Feature Comparison for GUI KeyStore Managers

We have made a comparison of the features between CERTivity® KeyStores Manager and the most relevant similar products. The features are organized in categories, each category initially showing all features.

Although this comparison was made by EduLib, the creator of CERTivity, we tried to be as objective and fair as possible. If you have any comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us.

You can download this comparison in PDF format also.

Feature NameCERTivity
Released Date2014-01-232013-11-242011-01-232008-10-18
PlatformsOn any Platform That Can Run JavaOn any Platform That Can Run JavaOn any Platform That Can Run JavaOn any Platform That Can Run Java
Has bundled JRE
Has installer
Supported Java KeyStore TypesJKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, BKS, BKS-V1, UBERJKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, BKS, UBERJKS, PKCS#12, JCEKS, JKS (case sensitive), BKS, UBER, GKR
(but option is inactive)
Create a New KeyStore
Open an Existent KeyStore
Open Windows Root CA KeyStore
Open Windows User KeyStore
Discover JREs CA TrustStores
Open JREs CA TrustStoresOnly main JREOnly main JREOnly main JRE
Save a KeyStoreIt's done automatically after some operations
Defining a Default KeyStore(planned for future releases)
Convert KeyStore Type
Change KeyStore Password
Delete Entry
Change Entry Password
Change Entry Alias
Cut/Copy - Paste Single KeyStore EntryAllows only cloning a certificate into the same
Allows only copying a certificate into the same
Cut/Copy - Paste Multiple Entries
Set/Remove CA Certs TrustStore at runtime without
restarting the application
Set Multiple TrustStores for Trust Path Validation
Availability to use JRE CA Certs TrustStores (from
discovered JREs) for Trust Path Validation
Availability to use Windows KeyStores (for Microsoft
Windows Systems) for Trust Path Validation
(only Windows Root CA)
Availability to use Custom KeyStores for Trust Path
(only if the CA Certs is changed to a custom one)(only if the CA Certs is changed to a custom one)
Availability to use current opened (and selected) KeyStore
for Trust Path Validation
Display Trust Status for Certificate Entries in
Display Trust Status for Opened Certificates
Customizable Trust Path Validation Options Without
Restarting the Application
Available Trust Path Validation OptionsInhibit any policy, Explicit policy required, Inhibit
policy mapping, Use revocation checking, Use policy qualifier
processing, Use path length constraint (with customizable path
length size), Use custom validation date, Provider selection
(default provider or Bouncy Castle provider)
MDI Interface for KeyStores
MDI Interface for Certificates/CRL/CSR
KeyStore RepresentationTree List (Entries are displayed as a list of expandable
nodes) Available SubItems for KeyPairs : Private/Public Keys,
Certificate Chains, Certificates, Extensions Available Subitems
for Certificates: Public Key, Extensions
Simple List (entries are not expandable)Simple List (entries are not expandable)Simple List (entries are not expandable)
Available Entries Direct InformationAlgorithm and Size, Expiry Date, Last Modified, Validity
Status, Trust Status
Algorithm and Size, Expiry Date, Last Modified, Validity
Alias Name, Last ModifiedFor Key Pairs and Certificates: Alias, Entry Type, Valid
Date, Self-Signed, Trusted C. A., Key Size, Cert. Type, Cert. Sig.
Algorithm, Modified Date For Secret Keys: Alias, Entry, Modified
Mark Locked Keys
Mark Expired Key Pairs/Certificates
Mark Certificate Trust Status
Mark Key Pairs with Key sizes smaller than a configurable
Undo/Redo for KeyStore Operations and Imports
Prompting to re-enter password in case of wrong password
for unlocking Private/Secret Keys
Prompting to re-enter password in case of wrong password
when converting a KeyStore to a different type (operation does not
Informing when a Key Store which contains Secret Keys can
not be converted to a Key Store type that does not support Secret
Keys before entering all the passwords
Converts with removing secret keys (it gives a slight
warning first)
Prompting for passwords when converting from a KeyStore
type which does not support passwords to a KeyStore type which
supports entry passwords
Displaying Entry Information ModeBottom Panel (And few details in the KeyStore View)New Dialog (And few details in the KeyStore View)New Dialog (and few details in the KeyStore View)New Dialog (text based content)
Allows rearranging Key Store/Certificate tabs
Configurable Arrangement and Positioning of Tabs
Configurable Tabs Position by Dragging
Window Configuration OptionsMaximize, Float, Float Group, Minimize, Minimize Group,
Dock, Dock Group, New Document Tab Group, Collapse Document Tab
Multiple KeyStore Entries Selection
Multiple KeyStore Entries Copy - Paste between
Copy a Certificate From a Certificate Chain and Paste It
Into Another KeyStore
Configurable Key Shortcuts (Keymap)
Displaying Providers List(planned for future releases)
"Close All Documents" Option
Opened Tabs Manager
Opened Tabs Manager OptionsSwitch to Document, Close Document(s)
Easy Tab Selector Drop list
Available Actions/Options Tree Like Structure(planned for future releases)
Quick Search (with text box)
Change Look And Feel(planned for future releases)
Password Strength Indicator(planned for future releases)
Show tips at startup(planned for future releases)
Key Pair
Generate Key Pair (RSA/DSA)
Regenerate Key Pair
Sign With Selected KeyPair at Generation Time
Key Pair Generation - Signature Algorithms (for DSA
SHA1 With DSA, SHA224 With DSA, SHA 256 With DSA, SHA 384
With DSA, SHA 512 With DSA
SHA.1 with DSA, SHA-224 with DSA, SHA-256 With DSA, SHA-384
with DSA, SHA-512 with DSA
SHA1withDSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSASHA1withDSA
Key Pair Generation - Signature Algorithms (for RSA
MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA1 with RSA, SHA1 With RSA
and MGF1, SHA224 With RSA, SHA224 With RSA and MGF1, SHA256 With
RSA, SHA256 With RSA and MGF1, SHA384 With RSA, SHA384 With RSA
and MGF1, SHA512 With RSA, SHA512 With RSA and MGF1, RIPEMD128
With RSA, RIPEMD160 With RSA, RIPEMD256 With RSA
MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, RIPEMD-128 with RSA, RIPEMD-160
with RSA, RIPEMD-256 with RSA, SHA.1 with RSA, SHA-224 with RSA,
SHA-256 With RSA, SHA-384 with RSA, SHA-512 with RSA
MD2withRSA, MD5withRSA, SHA1withRSA, SHA224withRSA,
SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA, RIPEMD128withRSA,
MD5withRSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA,
Generate Key Pair (EC)
Key Pair Generation - EC AlgorithmsEC(ECDSA), ECGOST3410EC(ECDSA)
Key Pair Generation - EC Parameters Specification (for
ECDSA Algorithm)
c2pnb272w1, c2tnb191v3, c2pnb208w1, c2tnb191v2, c2tnb191v1,
c2tnb359v1, prime192v1, prime192v2, prime192v3, c2tnb239v3,
c2pnb163v3, c2tnb239v2, c2pnb163v2, c2tnb239v1,, c2pnb163v1,
c2pnb176w1, prime256v1, c2pnb304w1, c2pnb368w1, c2tnb431r1,
prime239v3, prime239v2, prime239v1, sect233r1, secp112r2,
secp112r1, secp256k1, sect113r2, secp521r1, sect113r1, sect409r1,
secp192r1, sect193r2, sect131r2, sect193r1, sect131r1, secp160k1,
sect571r1, sect283k1, secp384r1, sect163k1, secp256r1, secp128r2,
secp128r1, secp224k1, sect233k1, secp160r2, secp160r1, sect409k1,
sect283r1, sect163r2, sect163r1, secp192k1, secp224r1, sect239k1,
sect571k1, B-163, P-521, P-256, B-233, P-224, B-409, P-384, B-283,
B-571, P-192, brainpoolp512r1, brainpoolp384t1, brainpoolp256r1,
brainpoolp192r1, brainpoolp512t1, brainpoolp256t1,
brainpoolp224r1, brainpoolp320r1, brainpoolp192t1,
brainpoolp160r1, brainpoolp224t1, brainpoolp384r1,
brainpoolp320t1, brainpoolp160t1
prime192v1, prime239v1, prime256v1
Key Pair Generation - EC Parameters Specification (for
ECGOST3410 Algorithm)
GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A, GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB,
GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA, GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C,
Key Pair Generation - Signature Algorithms (for ECDSA EC
SHA1withECDSA, SHA224withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA,
SHA384withECDSA, SHA512withECDSA
SHA1withECDSA,, SHA224withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA,
SHA384withECDSA, SHA512withECDSA
Key Pair Generation - Signature Algorithms (for ECGOST3410
EC Keys)
GOST3411 with ECGOST3410
Key Pair Generation CERT X.500 DN FieldsCommon Name (CN), Organization Unit (OU), Organization (O),
Locality (L), State (ST), Country (C), Email (E)
Common Name (CN), Organization Unit (OU), Organization (O),
Locality (L), State (ST), Country (C), Email (E)
Common Name (CN), Organization Unit (OU), Organization (O),
Locality (L), State (ST), Country (C), Email (E)
Common Name (CN), Organization Unit (OU), Organization (O),
Locality (L), State (ST), Country (C), Email (E)
Standardized DN Country Codes (2 letter code)
Key Pair Generation CERT X.500 DN Fields (extended)(planned for future releases)Title, Device serial number name, Business category, DN
qualifier, Pseudonym, 1-letter gender, Name at birth, Date of
birth, Place of birth, Street, Postal code, Postal address,
2-letter country of residence, 2-letter country of
Key Pair Generation CERT X.520 Name(planned for future releases)Surname, Given name, Initials, Generation, Unique
Import Key Pair into KeyStore (from PKCS#12 Files)
Import Key Pair into KeyStore (from PKCS#8 private key and
Import Key Pair into KeyStore from OpenSSL private key and
Import Key Pair into KeyStore (from PVK private key and
(planned for future releases)
Import Key Pair into KeyStore (from PEM private key and
Certificate Chain)
Import Key Pair into KeyStore (from other KeyStore)(planned for future releases)
Import Key Pair into KeyStore from a Private Key and More
Certificate Files (which can create a chain)
Export Key Pair (PKCS#12)
Export Key Pair (PEM Encoded)(planned for future releases)
Extend Validity of Self-Signed KeyPairs
Enter New Serial Number When Extending Validity of
Self-Signed Certificates
Open a standalone certificate/Examine standalone
Open a Certificate Chain/Examine Certificate Chain
View Certificate Details
View Certificate Details From Signature(only Certificate Type and Subject DN, for each signed
entry, for JAR files)
Available Certificate DetailsFormat, Version, Serial Number, Valid From/To, Public Key,
Extensions, Signature Algorithm, Multiple Fingerprints,
Subject/Issuer Information (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), PEM,
Version, Serial Number, Valid From/Until, Public Key,
Signature Algorithm, Multiple Fingerprints, Subject/Issuer
Information (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), Extensions, PEM,
Chain position and total number of certificates in the
chain, Version, Serial Number, Valid From/Until, Public Key,
Signature Algorithm, Fingerprints, Subject/Issuer DN String,
Extensions, PEM Encoding
Owner (Subject DN String), Issuer (Issuer DN String),
Version, Serial Number, Valid From/Until, Signature Algorithm,
Fingerprints, Extensions
Available FingerprintsMD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256,
SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, SHA-1,
SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
View PEM Representation for a Certificate
View ASN.1 for a Certificate
Import Certificate from files into KeyStore
Import Root CA Certificate (directly into the Root CA certs
(planned for future releases)
Import Certificate into a KeyStore directly from
Certificate Details Dialog
(planned for future releases)
Import Certificate into KeyStore with trust path
(manual validation)
Import Certificate from Server into KeyStore
Import Certificate from Signature into KeyStore
Export Certificate
Export Certificate From Signature to file (JAR, APK, PDF,
Export Certificate Supported FormatsX.509, X.509 PEM Encoded, PKCS#7, PKCS#7 PEM Encoded, PKI
X.509, X.509 PEM Encoded, PKCS#7, PKCS#7 PEM Encoded, PKI
Path, SPC
DER Encoded, PEM Encoded, PKCS#7, PkiPathDER, PKCS#7, PEM
Export Certificate Chain(only when exporting with private key also)
Export Certificate Chain Supported FormatsPKCS#7, PKCS#7 PEM Encoded, PKI PathPKCS#7, PKCS#7 PEM Encoded, PKI PathPKCS#7, PkiPathDER, PEM
Obtain the Revocation Status
Retrieve Certificate From SSL ServerTLSv1, TLS v1.1, TLS v1.2 and default algorithmTLSv1, TLS v1.1, TLS v1.2TLSv1 (SSLv 3.1)
Retrieve Certificate From SSL Server (additional connection
(planned for future releases)Connection Protocol, Connection Cipher Suite
Retrieve Certificate From SSL Server using HTTPS URL (not
host and port specifically)
Test Certificates on Given Protocol
View Associated CRL
Append signer certificate to key pair certificate
Remove signer certificate from key pair certificate
Rename Certificate
Delete Certificate
Renewal of CertificateOnly when the certificate is within a Key Pair
View Certificate Extensions
View ASN.1 for a Certificate Extension
Add Certificate Extensions when generating a new
Add Certificate Extensions to CA Replies
Save Certificate Extensions Template
Save Certificate Extensions Template as XML
Available Certificate ExtensionsAuthority Information Access, Authority Key Identifier,
Basic Constraints, Certificate Policies, CRL Distribution Points,
Extended Key Usage, Freshest CRL, Inhibit Any Policy, Issuer
Alternative Name, Key Usage, Name Constraints, Netscape Cert Type,
Private Key Usage Period, Policy Constraints, Policy Mappings,
Subject Alternative Name, Subject Information Access, Subject
Directory Attributes, Subject Key Identifier.
Authority Information Access, Authority Key Identifier,
Basic Constraints, Certificate Policies, Extended Key Usage,
Inhibit Any Policy, Issuer Alternate Name, Key Usage, Name
Constraints, Netscape Base URL, Netscape CA Policy URL, Netscape
CA Revocation CRL, Netscape Certificate Renewal URL, Netscape
Certificate Type, Netscape Comment, Netscape Revocation URL,
Netscape SSL Server Name, Policy Constraints, Policy Mappings,
Private Key Usage Period, Subject Alternative Name, Subject
Information Access, Subject Key Identifier
(many only for display, but not specified anywhere)(many for display) For Key Pair Creation: Key Usage,
Extended Key Usage
Extensions display at creation time (GUI Point of
Tree - like Structure where all extensions, properties and
sub-items are visible in a single dialog
List of extensions, each one opening in a different dialog
for setting properties, and each sub-item opens also in a
different dialog
Certificate Authority
Check PKI file type
Certificate Signing made easier using “Select as CA Issuer”
and “Sign Certificate by ” actions
Certificate chain management: append and remove signer
certificate (with Copy/Paste/Delete/Undo/Redo functionality
(supported only from menu without Copy/Paste)
Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) files
Sign Certificate Signing Request (CSR) files
Import CA Reply
Trust verification when Importing CA Reply
Trust verification when Importing CA Reply (with user
confirmation when trust is not established)
Act as a testing purposes CA (by generating CSR files,
signing CSRs and importing CA Replies
View CSR Details/Examine CSR(only PEM display)
Available CSR DetailsFormat, Version, Public Key (with details available),
Signature Algorithm, Subject (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), Challenge,
CSR Dump (PEM)
Format, Public Key (with details available), Signature
Algorithm, Subject (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), Challenge, CSR Dump
(PEM, ASN.1)
Version, Subject DN String, Public Key (Algorithm and
size), Signature Algorithm, PEM
Generate CSR Files
Generate CSR Files Supported FormatsPKCS#10, SPKACPKCS#10, SPKACPKCS#10 (probably)PKCS#10
View CRL Details/Examine CRL
View Remote CRLs
Protocols Supported for Opening Remote CRLsHTTP, HTTPS, FTP, LDAP
Available CRL DetailsType, Version, This Update, Next Update, Signature
Algorithm, Issuer (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), Extensions, ASN.1,
Revoked Certificates (+Extensions)
Version, Issuer (CN, OU, O, L, ST, C, E), Effective Date,
Next Update, Signature Algorithm, Extensions, ASN.1, Revoked
Certificates (+Extensions)
Version, Issuer DN String, Effective Date, Next Update,
Signature Algorithm, Extensions, Revoked Certificates
View CRL Extensions
Next Update Exeeded Verification
CA Reply
Import CA Reply With Trust Path Validation
View CA Reply Details(Only if opened as a certificate and browse through the
(Only if opened as a certificate, and browse through the
(Only if opened as a certificate, and you can browse
through the chain)
Create CA Reply
Secret Key
Available Secret Keys InformationAlgorithm, Last ModifiedAlgorithm, Key Size, Last ModifiedLast ModifiedModified date
View Secret Key Details(planned for future releases)Algorithm, Format, Size, Value in hexa
Generate Secret Key
Secret Key Supported AlgorithmsAES, AESWrap, ARCFOUR, BlowFish, Camellia, Cast5, Cast6,
DES, DESede, DESedeWrap, GOST28147, Grainv1, Grain128, HC128,
HC256, Noekeon, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC5-64, RC6, Rijndael, Salsa20,
Seed, Serpent, Skipjack, TEA, Twofish, VMPC, VMPC-KSA3, XTEA,
HmacMD2, HmacMD4, HmacMD5, HmacRIPEMD128, HmacRIPEMD160, HmacSHA1,
HmacSHA224, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512, HmacTIGER
AES, ARC4, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST-128, CAST-256, DES,
DESEDE, GOST 28147-89, Grain v1, Grain-128, HC-128, HC-256,
HMac-MD2, HMac-MD4, HMac-MD5, HMac-RipeMD128, HMac-RipeMD160,
HMac-SHA1, HMac-SHA224, HMac-SHA256, HMac-SHA384, HMac-SHA512,
HMac-Tiger, NOKEON, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Salsa20, Serpent,
SEED, Skipjack, TEA, Twofish, XTEA
AES, ARCFOUR, Blowfish, DES, DESede, HmacMD5, HmacSHA1,
HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512, RC2
Provider Selection for Generation Available
Offers Supported Key Sizes for Each Algorithm
Import Secret Key From File(planned for future releases)
Export Secret Key To File(planned for future releases)
Export Secret Key To File Format(planned for future releases)DER, PEM
Private Key
View Private Key Details
Available Private Key Details (for DSA)Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Basic Generator G, Prime
Modulus P, SubPrime Q, Private Key Value; ), ASN.1
Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Prime Modulus P, Prime Q,
Generator G, Secret Exponent X), ASN.1
Key Size
Available Private Key Details (for RSA)Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Modulus, Private Exponent,
Public Exponent, CRT Coefficient, Prime Exponent P, Prime Exponent
Q, Prime Modulus P, Prime Q), ASN.1
Algorithm, Key Size, Format, Encoded, Fields (Public
Exponent, Modulus, Prime P, Prime Q, Prime Exponent P, Prime
Exponent Q, CRT Coefficient, Private Exponent), ASN.1
Key Size
Available Private Key Details (for ECDSA /
Algorithm, Key Size, Parameters Specification, Fields
(Private Value S, Cofactor, First Coefficient A, Second
Coefficient B, Field Size, Seed, Generator Affine X-Coordinate,
Generator Affine Y-Coordinate, Generator Order), ASN.1
Algorithm, Key Size (for ECDSA only), Format, Encoded,
Key Size (for ECDSA only)
Export Private Key(but only together with certificate file)
Export Private Key Supported FormatsPKCS#8, PKCS#8 PEM Encoded, Open SSL PEM EncodedPKCS#8, PKCS#8 PEM Encoded, PVK, OpenSSL PEM
Export Private Key Encryption Algorithms (PKCS#8)PBE_SHA1_2DES, PBE_SHA1_3DES, PBE_SHA1_RC2_40,
PBE_SHA1_RC2_128, PBE_SHA1_RC4_40, PBE_SHA1_RC4_128
PBE with SHA.1 and 2 key DESede, PBE with SHA.1 and 3 key
DESede, PBE with SHA.1 and 40 bit RC2, PBE with SHA.1 and 128 bit
RC2, PBE with SHA.1 and 40 bit RC4, PBE with SHA.1 and 128 bit
Export Private Key Encryption Algorithms (OpenSSL)AES-128-CBC, AES-128-CFB, AES-128-ECB, AES-128-OFB, BF-CBC,
PBE with DES CBC, PBE with DESede CBC, PBE with 128 but AES
CBC, PBE with 192 bit AES CBC, PBE with 256 bit AES CBC
Public Key
View Public Key Details
Available Public Key Details (for DSA Keys)Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Basic Generator G, Prime
Modulus P, SubPrime Q, Public Key), ASN.1
Algorithm, Key Size, Format, Encoded, Fields (Prime Modulus
P, Prime Q, Generator G, Public Key Y), ASN.1
Available Public Key Details (for RSA Keys)Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Modulus, Public Exponent),
Algorithm, Key Size, Format, Encoded, Fields (Public
Exponent, Modulus), ASN.1
Available Public Key Details (for ECDSA / ECGOST3410
Algorithm, Key Size, Fields (Basic Generator G, Prime
Modulus P, SubPrime Q, Public Key), ASN.1
Algorithm, Key Size, Format, Encoded, ASN.1
Export Public Key
Export Public Key Supported FormatsOpen SSL, Open SSL PEM EncodedOpen SSL, Open SSL PEM Encoded
Sign and Verify
Verify Signatures for JAR Files
Verify Signatures for APK Files
Verify Signatures for PDF Files
Verify Signatures for XML Files
Verify XML Signature - allow using external cert.
Verify XML Signature - set use external cert. validation
and embedded cert. validation order
Verify XML Signature - allow selecting the external cert.
from file or from a given KeyStore entry (from KeyStore
Sign JAR Files
JAR Signing - Signature AlgorithmsSHA.1 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA.1 with RSA,
SHA.1 with ECDSA
SHA.1 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA.1 with
SHA.1 With DSA, SHA.1 With RSA
JAR Signing - Digest AlgorithmsMD2, MD5, SHA.1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512MD2, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512SHA.1
JAR Signing - Add Full Manifest Digest Attribute
Sign APK Files
APK Signing - Signature AlgorithmsSHA.1 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA.1 with
SHA.1 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA.1 with
APK Signing - Digest AlgorithmsMD2, MD5, SHA.1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512MD2, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
APK Signing - Add Full Manifest Digest Attribute
Sign XML Files
XML Signing - Signature TypesEnveloped, Enveloping, DetachedEnveloped
XML Signing - Digest AlgorithmsSHA1, SHA256, SHA512
XML Signing - Canonicalization AlgorithmsInclusive, Inclusive With Comments, Exclusive, Exclusive
With Comments
XML Signing - Allow Attaching Key To Signature
XML Signing - Allow Attaching Certificate To
Sign PDF Files
PDF Signing - Signature Subfiltersadbe.pkcs7.sha1, adbe.x509.rsa_sha1,
Sign CSR Files/Create Certificate from CSR
Prevention for Signing CSR Files by the Same Key Pair That
Created Them
CSR Signing - Signature AlgorithmsSHA.1 with DSA, SHA224 with DSA, SHA256 with DSA, SHA384
with DSA, SHA512 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, SHA.1 with
RSA, SHA.1 with RSA and MGF1, SHA224 with RSA, SHA224 with RSA and
MGF1, SHA256 with RSA, SHA 256 with RSA and MGF1, SHA384 with RSA,
SHA 384 with RSA and MGF1, SHA512 with RSA, SHA512 with RSA and
MGF1, RIPEMD128 with RSA, RIPEMD160 with RSA, RIPEMD256 with
SHA.1 with DSA, SHA-224 with DSA, SHA-256 With DSA, SHA-384
with DSA, SHA-512 with DSA, MD2 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, RIPEMD-128
with RSA, RIPEMD-160 with RSA, RIPEMD-256 with RSA, SHA.1 with
RSA, SHA-224 with RSA, SHA-256 With RSA, SHA-384 with RSA, SHA-512
with RSA
Sign J2ME MIDlet Applications Files
Verify Detached Signature - CMS(planned for future releases)
Sign With Detached Signature - CMS(planned for future releases)
Detached Signature - CMS Formats - CMS Signature
(planned for future releases)P7M, P7S
Detached Signature - CMS Formats - CMS Certs-only
(planned for future releases)P7C
Detached Signature - CMS Formats - digest
(planned for future releases)SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD5, RIPEMD128,
Verify Detached Signature - Other(planned for future releases)
Sign Detached Signature - Other(planned for future releases)
Detached Signature - Other Formats - Signature File(planned for future releases)DER, PKCS#7, PEM
Detached Signature - Other Formats - Certificate
(planned for future releases)DER, PKCS#7, PEM
Allow signing using any Key Pair irrespective of
Certificate extension
Suggest candidate KeyPairs for signing (the ones that have
the right extensions for their certificates)
(planned for future releases)
Encrypting Files
Encrypt file using Secret Key
Encrypt file using RSA trusted certificate
Encrypt file using private key
RSA Encryption AlgorithmsRSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding, RSA/NONE/PKCS1Padding,
KeyStore Persistence between sessions
KeyStore Persistence typeFully persist (name and passowrd), Only KeyStore names, No
Open Files Using Drag & Drop
File Types Supported For Drag & DropKeyStore, Certificate, CSR, CRL irrespective of the file
KeyStoreOnly based on extension: KeyStore, Certificate, CSR,
Supported KeyStore file extensionscacerts, ks, jks, jce, p12, pfx, bks, ubr, keystoreks, keystore, jks, jceks, bks, uber, pfx, p12ks, jks, jceks, p12, pfx, bks, cacertsubr, jks, ks, jce, bks, pfx, p12
Open Recent Files(maximum 4 files)
Remember last file directory between sessions
Remember last file directory for each specific action
(Opening a Key Store, a Certificate, etc.)
KeyStore Properties (Tree - like entries
structure)/KeyStore Report
(planned for future releases)
KeyStore Properties - Export structure in text and XML
(planned for future releases)(copy in memory)
Set Password Quality(planned for future releases)
Configure/Set Internet Proxy(planned for future releases)
View Cryptography Strength/Policy Details
Detection of Cryptography Strength Policy Limitation when
Launching the Application
(planned for future releases)
GUI Support for Upgrading Cryptography Strength
Support for Manual Upgrading Cryptography Strength in case
automatic upgrade fails
Customizable PropertiesCertificate expiry notification interval, RSA Key Pair
minimum allowed size, RSA Key Pair maximum allowed size, RSA Key
Pair default size, Autogenerated certificate serial number maximum
bit length, Undo level, Log level, Memory usage maximum threshold
level, Keystore persistence type, Recent file list maximum size,
JRE CA KeyStore list max size, Certificates Retriever connection
type, Inspected and draggable file size limit
Set CA Certificates Key Store, Minimum Password Quality,
Look And Feel, Internet Proxy, Trust Checks
Import/Export Configuration Properties
Add extension to file name on export, if the name does not
contain an extension from the selected file filter
Password Manager (remember passwords after
Archiving directories into JAR/APK files(planned for future releases)
OS File Associations(planned for future releases)(only for KeyStores)