MuseSearch™ Integration in SharePoint

Besides the dedicated SharePoint MuseSearch™ WebPart, available since Muse, starting with Muse version, MuseSearch™ Application 3.9 version, in this post we describe two other simple ways to integrate the MuseSearch™ Application into a SharePoint site.

1. Insert a MuseSearch™ Application into a SharePoint 2013 Site Using the “Page Viewer Web Part”

Based on the tutorial the actions to include the MuseSearch™ Application are:

1. Edit an existing SharePoint site page or Add a new page and Edit it;
2. On the “Edit Page”, select the “Insert Web Part” tab. From there, select “Media and Content” from “Categories”, and then “Page Viewer” from the “Parts” list;
3. Go to “Edit Web Part” to open the “Tool Pane” and input the Muse address (e.g. you wish to display on your site into the “textbox” on the “Page Viewer”;
4. Click to “Apply” and “OK” to finish inserting the MuseSearch™ Application login page.

An example of a SharePoint page with MuseSearch™ Application interface included is depicted below.

2. Insert a MuseSearch™ Widget into a SharePoint 2013 Site Using the “Script Editor Web Part”

Based on the tutorial the actions to include the MuseSearch™ Widget are:

1. Edit an existing SharePoint site page or Add a new page end Edit it;
2. On the “Edit Page”, select the “Insert Web Part” tab. From there, select “Media and Content” from “Categories”, and then “Script Editor Web Part”;
3. Click on the “EDIT SNIPPET” link and insert the HTML and JavaScript code for MuseSearch™ Widget just as we have in the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="EmbededMSWidget" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>
URL: "", // Server URL
USER_ID: "MSWidget", // User ID
USER_PWD: "lzOoUwTu7E/UvHCw9KpOsmoEbl4=", // User Password
USER_PWD_ENCRIPTION: "SHA1", // User Pasword Encription. Values: "" | "SHA1"
WIDGET_PLACEDOLDER: "#EmbededMSWidget", // The Placeholder where the Widget will be displayed. Values: body | #ID (The ID of a HTML element such as DIV, SPAN, TD, P)
RESULTS_PER_PAGE: 10, // Results per page
RESULTS_PER_SOURCE: 10, // Results per source
USE_PAGINATION: "true" // Use Pagination. Values: "false" | "true". The "false" value means that an infinite scroll is used for the result set list. The "true" value means that the result set list is displayed in multiple pages.

An example of a SharePoint page with MuseSearch™ Widget included is depicted below.