Platforms and Java Virtual Machines

CERTivity is a Java based application, available for download and install through:

The recommended CERTivity distribution for Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms (x86/AMD64) is the Installer with the embedded Java Runtime Environment (JRE) as everything is out of the box. If the target operating system is not in the list of the supported embedded JRE distribution, or there are other reasons for which you don't want an embedded JRE, you will need to have an already installed JRE from Sun Microsystems (Oracle) which is now supported for Mac OS as well. Note that the embedded JRE is exclusively used for running the CERTivity application and is not affecting the existent applications.

Being a Java based application, CERTivity could run anywhere where an Oracle or Apple JRE is available - this covers a wide range of systems such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac. The exact JRE for the CERTivity application is configured in the jdkhome property from the configuration file ${certivity_home}/etc/certivity.conf (on Windows), respectively ${certivity_home}/etc/ (on Linux, Unix and Mac). The Installer is transparently setting this path according to the installer type:

The exact Java version the CERTivity application started with is displayed in the Help > About menu, for example:

Java: 1.7.0_15; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 23.7-b01

As there are many flavours of hardware, operating systems and versions available it is practically impossible to test each one of these. We have successfully run CERTivity on Micrososft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Linux Debian, Linux Ubuntu, RedHat, Solaris Intel and Mac OS X. Both 32 and 64 bit OS distributions as well as JREs are supported.

Even if there is a wide platform distribution there are just few known issues: