CERTivity KeyStores Manager 2.0 Released

EduLib is happy to announce the release of CERTivity KeyStores Manager 2.0, that is available for download, starting today, the 23rd of January 2014. The version 2.0 of CERTivity KeyStores Manager brings new interesting features and improvements, as well as bug fixes.

CERTivity 2.0 features support for generating and managing Elliptic Curve (ECDSA and ECGOST) Algorithms Key Pairs and Certificates, an innovative and easy to use wizard for installing Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files via an integrated JavaFX browser, full support for eleven new certificate extensions, thus covering all standard certificate extensions according to Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile - RFC 5280.

We have also added features which improve the user experience such as Quick Search for application, Quick Search for an opened KeyStore, filter for the Options Panel, KeyStore related actions displayed in the context menu, when right-clicking on an empty area inside an opened KeyStore.

In this version of CERTivity we have also fixed some issues from version 1.2, such as correcting the management of the cut/copy/paste actions for PKCS#12 KeyStore type or Help window displaying under the main window on Mac OS X and other usability issues.

More details regarding all the features and fixes made in CERTivity 2.0 are available online in CERTivity Release Notes, and available for download in CERTivity Release Notes PDF Document.

As usual, for the new CERTivity 2.0 version we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new and improved CERTivity. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form, even if you already tried older CERTivity versions.

For any questions regarding the new version or for any suggestion and comments feel free to contact us.