
Muse® Proxy

Email directly to the specific address or find out below all the alternative ways you can get support and service for your Muse Proxy product.

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For MuseGlobal‘s OEM and VAR Partners we also offer product information, implementation, and support tools via logon to the MuseGlobal Support Site.

Muse Proxy Sources Profiles

Muse Proxy has been used with more than 6,500 different Data Sources. We offer samples of Muse Proxy Sources Profiles to view, download. This list is continuously updated and maintained to keep up with the latest native changes.

Muse Proxy Implementation and Maintenance Prerequisites

In order to benefit from Muse Proxy Implementation and Maintenance Services make sure that the following items are met and details are sent to us on

  • The target machine must be in accordance with the Recommended Hardware Configuration and Supported OS described in the manual Muse Proxy Install.pdf. For example 4 GB RAM, 80 GB hard disk space, processor clock speed of 3 GHz or better, Operating system examples: Linux Debian, Microsoft Windows 2012 Server;
  • A fully qualified wildcard domain name (FQDN) is needed. The wildcard DNS entry to cover the sub-domains and the name itself of the proxy host must be configured by the network administrator;
  • Because most resources (vendors) use https:// access, a wildcard SSL certificate is also needed;
  • Our software can work on any locales but our team can only understand English, French, Romanian so the target Operating System must use one of these languages;
  • Depending on your needs the IP(s) of the target machine must be public and authenticated to the remote sources (Content Providers);
  • Internet must be flawlessly accessible from that machine, without security restriction for standard proxy protocol and for downloads; decent browser security access to be able to download Oracle JVM and Muse Proxy Setup packages must be provided;
  • Outbound Internet access without any transparent protocol filtering must work;
  • Provide us remote access to your server machine. We will be connecting from ( Remote access may be SSH and/or VNC (for Linux OSes) and RDP and/or VNC for Microsoft Windows OSes;
  • Provide us TCP/IP access to the port you want Muse Proxy to run on (default is 9797 but it is very probable that you will want to change it to port 80). Configure your firewall to accept connections having the source ( Make sure that on this connectivity nothing interfere at the protocol level in order to filter out standard proxy connections. Our team will need to use standard proxy connectivity for the profiling work we are undertaking for you from our offices;
  • If Muse Proxy runs on port 80 root/administrator access is needed;
  • Provide the list of remote sources in a table containing the source name, URL to access it and credentials if required. If IP authentication is in effect make sure the public IP(s) of the Muse Proxy machine is used for this. If multiple databases from the same provider are needed provide all of them, not just a single entry.

View Technical Presentations about Muse Proxy

View and download general and specialized technical presentations about Muse Proxy and its various components and features. Because the files are in PDF format, you will require the Adobe® Reader® to be able to view them.

Get answers to most Frequently Asked Questions about Muse Proxy

Our Frequently Asked Questions will help you find information about Muse Proxy and other EduLib products that you already purchased a license for or intend to. Please view our FAQs split by product.

Get the latest Downloads

See our downloads, or you can go to the specific Muse Proxy download page.

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If you can’t find what you are after by looking at the Muse Proxy pages, you can always feel free to contact us. We’ll do our best to help you find what you need.