MuseKnowledge™ Proxy 5.2 is Available

MuseKnowledge™ Proxy 5.2 is Available

We are excited to announce the release of a new MuseKnowledge™ Proxy version 5.2, which is now available for download, trial and purchase/upgrade.

MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Version 5.2 brings significant features and improvements to support easier, faster setup and administration of MuseKnowledge™ Proxy in Self-Hosted environments. The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document.

Added SIP (Session Initiation Protocol, version 2.0) authentication module. Both Telnet and TCP/IP layers are supported.

POP authentication Login module is now available for legacy setups to authenticate users through the Post Office Protocol. It is recommended to use this module only with self-managed email services (on-premise) and not with global email providers, where SSO / SAML is actually encouraged.

For uniformity, LOG_USER_ID, LOG_USER_ID_MODE and USED_PARAMS configuration entries can now be read and interpreted by more of the direct login modules: U/P, FTP, SIP, IMAP,POP.

The Muse Proxy cookies were enhanced with a second cookie that is sent on plain http:// and cast without the SameSite=None attribute. All these were implemented to address the Chrome browser changes with regard to the cookie cross-domain standards and the introduction of the requirement for SameSite=None; Secure attributes.

First steps on implementing localization were done, including support for localizing the server messages and also messages reported by configured login modules. The LOCALE element was added globally in MuseProxy.xml configuration file, but can also be configured at the application level in ${APPLICATION_HOME}/WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file or, for some login modules, which support the SCRIPT Post-authentication logic, via the special variable locale; there is also some support for using the locale= parameter for the application actions to some extent – specifying an explicit locale parameter while login means the whole session will use it, while specifying for a certain action means direct errors will be yielded in that language (although the source navigation will use the session locale).

Muse Proxy Application expiry test logic was modified in order to benefit from the specific web.xml application locale and possibly use the application customized expiry key.

The cyclic refresh is now skipping the Shortcut Mappings update for the expired applications.

The following new optional entries are available for the authentication process in the ${WEB_CONTEXT_HOME}/profiles/AuthenticationGroups.xml configuration file:

  • A Pre-authentication module is available to interpret a set of rules which ensures that the configured login modules are called only if the request is successfully validated against those rules. This can limit the number of login requests against the back-end services for black-listed user names, because only valid requests will reach the login module.
  • For a chain of sufficient login modules, an explicit sources group identifier can be set per login module using the SOURCES_GROUP_ID entry under AUTHENTICATION_GROUPS/AUTHENTICATION_GROUP/AUTHENTICATIONS/AUTHENTICATION, and this value will be used if the successfully authenticated login module doesn’t provide another value for source group identifier via its own configuration module.
  • Similarly, the PROXY_HOST and PROXY_PORT configurations located inside of AUTHENTICATION_GROUPS/AUTHENTICATION_GROUP/AUTHENTICATIONS/AUTHENTICATION can be used as default values if the successfully authenticated login module doesn’t provide another values via its own configuration module.

Changes were made in order to make sure that the Navigation Manager will relay the Server Sent Events, a standard which is now part of HTML5. However, no filtering support is currently available for this type of request.

In the Administrator Console, Manage Applications area, the speed of extracting details for all the configured applications was improved; loading hundreds of applications offers now a better experience, especially on multi-core CPUs installations.

Creating authentication groups from scratch is a new feature added in Administrator Console / Manage Applications area.

The Add New Source feature is available in Administrator Console / Manage Applications to provide support to create and add a new source from scratch based on the usual frequent fields.

Starting with this version, the DEF configuration entry from an existent source profile can be visually edited from Administrator Console / Manage Applications.

In Manage Applications section from the Administrator Console it is now possible to visually manage the users defined in the ${WEB_CONTEXT_HOME}/profiles/login/ProxyLoginModuleUserPassword.xml configuration file of an application. The following actions can be done through the admin web interface: manage the file groups, add a new user, edit a user, delete selected users, import users from a CSV file and export selected users as a CSV file.

To support libraries during COVID-19 global crisis, MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Trial periods are now extended from 30 days to 90 days. Request your Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

Following its development trail, MuseKnowledge™ Proxy recently reached version 5.1 Build 02, version which is now available for download, trial and purchase/upgrade. The results of our work are briefly presented in this news item.

  • Source pages containing Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), instead of their ASCII can now be rewritten if the source profile contains a new configuration, TRY_IDN. So far MuseKnowledge Proxy was able to rewrite the ASCII equivalent (e.g. in a HTML page, but now it is possible to rewrite directly hrefs containing IDNs, for example <a href="http://www.româ">
  • In order to ease the management of SSL keys and certificates for proxies where SSL termination is not involved, we have created a new section, named Server KeyStores, in the MuseKnowledge Administrator Console.
  • A Library Card’s Barcode application authentication module is available using multiple pattern rules. NUM, NUMMOD10, CODE39 and CODE39MOD43 are the algorithms supported at this time for the barcode validation.
  • Continued the work on integration with LTI standard – starting with this version a MuseKnowledge Proxy system can be certified as being LTI Compliant as an external service tool consumer by IMS Global Learning Consortium. This version can pass all necessary certification tests for LTI 1.0 standard.
  • With the newer versions of web browsers implementing Intelligent Tracking Prevention (3rd party cookies) and this option being enabled by default more changes were performed in order to run in an iframe within the LMS systems (Canvas, for example).
  • For SAML authentication, the signing and digest method algorithms to be used in signing SAML messages and metadata can now be specified per tenant not just globally thus allowing both for the deprecated SHA1 and for the recommended SHA256 configuration to function in the same MuseKnowledge Proxy instance.
  • Type 1 URL’s originating from a MuseKnowledge Search application are signed with a HMAC signature. The MuseKnowledge Search application(s) that connects to this new version of Muse Knowledge Proxy must be updated to use modulesutil.jar version 1.2338 or higher.
  • This version is introducing the Usage Limits component in order to limit against automated process or abusive users. Though available, it is recommended to use this component only for isolated cases because the current de-facto standard of web applications implies dozens of requests and big JavaScript code just to reach, for example, a journal issue. If lower limits are set this may create the opposite effect.
  • The order of login modules can be visually changed in Administrator Console from Edit Authentication Groups within Manage Applications.
  • Custom Single Sign on Login integration (Remote Auth) is possible, starting with this release. It involves a Remote Authentication CGI script where proxy will redirect the request to validate credentials if a new session is necessary and then the script returns back to proxy via HMAC.
  • Some more advanced elements were introduced for sources and for authentication configuration to cover complex rewritten and authentication scenarios.

The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document. As usual, we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

A new version of Muse™ Proxy was released on 21 June 2018. Muse™ Proxy version 5.0 is now available for download, trial and purchase/upgrade. The highlights of the new version are presented below.

Starting with this version, Muse™ Proxy supports relaying and filtering the WebSocket Protocol. According to the RFC 6455 the theoretic definition is: “The WebSocket Protocol enables two-way communication between a client running untrusted code in a controlled environment to a remote host that has opted-in to communications from that code”. To control WebSocket filtering and frame serialization mode the WEBSOCKET configuration element was introduced in the source profile.

A new proxy application template, MKPF, with a new look and feel is available. MuseProxyFoundation, the old one is still maintained and available with all the features up to date. On a fresh install Anonymous, MuseProxyFoundation and MKPF will all be installed and available, while on an update MKPF will be installed but not linked to in the Applications.xml file to avoid compatibility issues.

The Administrator Console is now based on a new theme and a new component is available to help the administrator of Muse™ Proxy to manage and maintain the applications and their sources.
This section can be accessed from the Applications menu via the Manage Applications link as long as SERVLET_ENGINE_ENABLED is set on true. There are visual actions for the common elements and raw view/update actions, where directly the XML files behind are edited in a simple JavaScript editor ensuring XML well-formedness. An application can be edited, copied, exported, imported, backed up, restored, checked or deleted. A source can have its profile edited, backed up and restored, while the other attributes from the Sources.xml file related to a source, such as image, visibility, module, attributes and parameters can be also managed. Source grouping including defining new visual areas and categories is also possible. Authentication to an application can be managed, details for the login module set and their configuration files can be edited in a raw XML form. The Manage Applications tools work with the last MKPF and old-style MuseProxyFoundation provided with the current setup, while for the existent applications not all the functions will be active.

A Muse™ Proxy source can be integrated with OLSA API to create the user dynamically and perform the signon. This is based on SOAP requests which are made transparently when the configured source with this integration is accessed by a Muse™ Proxy user. If all the configurations related to the organization are done, with this new feature a user of Muse™ Proxy application can jump into the Skillsoft Skillport 8i platform as an authenticated user of this platform without the need for continuous content proxy rewriting.

The integration within a Learning Management System (LMS) was extended and starting with this version, a Muse™ Proxy application can be integrated as Rich Content Editor in a Canvas LMS. Note that only the latest MuseProxyFoundation and MKPF applications can be integrated.

Starting with this version the ProxyLoginModuleLDAP can be configured with a script to take final decisions based on attributes and membership of user which log in. Also in this module, the referral configuration for LDAP authentication is possible via the new REFERRAL element with either ignore, follow or stop values. Two new attributes have been added, startTls="false/true" and sslTrustAll="false/true", ensuring a wider integration of Muse™ Proxy with LDAP servers. More details can be found in the comments from ProxyLoginModuleLDAP.xml and in the manuals.

In addition to the ECMA script processing via the Oracle Nashorn engine, the reference process in a source profile can now be done via BeanShell scripting engine.

A new CLASSPATH structure to create ClassLoaders was added in the MuseProxy.xml configuration file in order to reliably support third party libraries for various platform integrations in Muse™ Proxy.

A new pattern option, named excludeLocal, was added in order to exclude from main source(Link Out) but rewrite with others if matching. This option can be used within include and exclude pattern options from REWRITTING_PATTERNS configuration entry from the source profile.

A new element EXPIRY_ERROR inside the Applications.xml file was added in order to specify a response status for an expired application and if the specific error message will be displayed or not based on flag value of this configuration.

A new attribute method was added for URL configuration entry from the source profile to specify which HTTP method to be used for the request done – each URL part of an extract and navigate scenario can have its own method attribute (if empty GET or POST is assumed).

The HEADER element is a new configuration item in the source profile aiming to set HTTP headers for each preliminary request.

An option to refresh java policy files was added in Administrator Console and can be found under Advanced menu – Operations page. Java Policy Files which will be refreshed by this action are ${MUSE_HOME}/java.policy and ${MUSE_HOME}/jaas.policy.

In the Administrator Console was added support to refresh SAML and SSO configurations without restarting the entire Servlet Engine.

For source profiling a new boolean flag, DYN_HOST_MAPPING is available. It indicates that host mapping to a shorter generated value will be used on the fly if the https version of the host label exceeds 63 characters.

The detailed list of changes is available in Muse™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document and the new features are described in the manuals that are part of the distribution. As usual, we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of Muse™ Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

The last four months of development work for MuseKnowledge™ Proxy has summed up in the new 4.5 release available for download, trial and purchase/upgrade since October 5th, 2017. The outcome of listening to our partners and innovating work can be shortly described as below.

Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) integration with MuseKnowledge Proxy is available – a MuseKnowledge Proxy application or a proxified source can be used as an External Tool within a Learning Management System (LMS) using the LTI® launch requests standard. For helping with LTI configuration, a new button
named “LTI Guidlines” was added into the MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Administrator Console, Configuration – SSO Authentication page. It contains detailed guidelines to configure LTI for a MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Application.

HTTP headers from requests and responses can be processed using one or more HEADER elements within a new or existent FILTER. Optionally, dynamic processing via scripting is possible.

A better experience can be achieved for serving static resources within MuseKnowledge Proxy application interfaces by using the new authenticationFlow FILE_SET TYPE.

Special variables (such as the user ID that is also logged, the application URL) can be referred by using the new element PARAMETER/REF. These can further be used in JavaScript functions defined in the DEF section for dynamically obtaining a token or a full URL from a service via an API, which will then be used as a starting point for the current navigation, either dropping the proxy or by further rewriting.

Support for dynamic ClassPath for bridging external Java code from the DEF source section without having to add library jar files to the system ClassLoader, as well as, support for Nashorn scripting mode allowing to call external processes through Unix shell like back quote strings was added, for now experimentally, to further explore more integration possibilities.

Type1 Links generated by MuseKnowledge search connectors can now point to a MuseKnowledge Proxy application root to cover cases where a higher level of rewriting configuration is necessary.

A new option, SERVER_TOKENS, is available for configuring the Server header field for the content served directly by MuseKnowledge™ Proxy.

The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document and the new features are described in the manuals that are part of the distribution. As usual, we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

MuseKnowledge™ Application 6.0 is our latest web interface that replaces the older and well known MuseSearch™ Application series, used for more than a decade to search thousands of e-resources on the Internet.

Built on a whole new concept with a brand new look, the new interface keeps all the traditional features of MuseSearch™ plus a long list of new ones. The Muse® Core API was extended and lightened to deliver a faster and more responsive web interface which is now a Single Page Application that uses the latest web technologies like AngulaJS, Bootstrap and Font Awesome. This delivers a thoroughly updated and more responsive user experience.

The new MuseKnowledge™ Application is suitable to be used for any device, phone, tablet or PC. It is integration-ready, and playing it inside a parent site is now easier, be it a simple container or a more complex one like a Liferay Portal. It is embedded in both iOS and Android native code, allowing users ultimate flexibility to access more MuseKnowledge™ Applications from their mobile devices.

Last but not least, the Muse® Console for Application Administration has many improvements in sync with the new MuseKnowledge™ features and makes administering any older MuseSearch™ Applications much easier.

As usual we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge™ Application. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

A new version of MuseKnowledge™ Proxy, 4.4, is now ready and available for download, trial and purchase/upgrade. Some of the new features, improvements and bug fixes are mentioned below.

Multi-tenant environments using the same DNS host name for all tenants, but individual IPs for each one are now more efficiently handled as a chaining request to proxy itself on the different IP is minimized for the first source request only. The follow-up rewritten requests are not chained. The outbound IP is set directly to the one assigned for the tenant. This scenario is minimizing the cost for SSL certificates which are now more often required.

Starting with version 4.4 Muse Proxy creates access log files in the same configurable format as that used by standard web servers such as Apache HTTP Server, format which can be set via a % style pattern – an extension to the Common Logging format.

Central Authentication Service (CAS) and Microsoft Azure AD OpenID Connect authentication are now added to the possible Single Sign-on integration scenarios. The Administrator Console is offering guidelines for treating the special case of Azure AD where a different callback type is needed.

The direct authentication SQL module now supports SQL statements to cover more complex scenarios – the old approach of using a single table is still working.

In case of HMAC and IP login modules there’s no end user ID to check against a database and hence nothing to be written in the log file, however, in case of various integrations a special parameter could be received in the request for tracking purposes and it is now possible to configure it.

This new version is introducing redirection to remote Sources depending on the end-user IP (non-proxied links) and on the source ID.

Informal ranges of IPs for authentication to a MuseKnowledge™ Proxy application and for source redirection rules are now supported. All types of rules can be mixed for ALLOW/DENY: CIDR, patterns, exact IP and ranges.

After a mnm.jar update, the existing navigation sessions continue to work with the FIND/REPLACE filters.

The necessary upgrades steps to be done are listed at the end of the MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Setup in case an upgrade is performed over an existing isntallation.

The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document and the new features are described in the manuals that are part of the distribution. As usual we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

We are committed to providing good solid support for all Java versions our customers run The Muse™ Platform on. However, as new versions of Java, web browsers, and in general software technologies, are released, it is becoming more and more difficult to provide support for old Muse™ versions running on old Java versions which are out of support and lack new important features and security related standards.

More exactly, starting with July 1st 2017 we are no longer supporting the following Muse™ versions which run only with Java 6:

- Muse™ 2.5, released on 2010-10-07
- Muse™ 2.6, released on 2012-06-26

Java 6, end of its support life in February 2013. []

Java 9 is now expected to be released on 2017-07-27.[]

Technically, starting July 1st 2017, Muse™ Building Environment will no longer produce binary code compatible with Java 6. We will start compiling the entire Muse™ Platform including Muse™ Source Packages for Java Virtual Machine 8, hence they will no longer run under Java Virtual Machine 6.

Note that Muse™ versions 2.5 and 2.6 are not running with newer Java 8 versions.

Your 2.5 and 2.6 Muse™ installations will continue to function after July 1st 2017 according to your Licensing Agreement, however they will no longer be able to run automatic or manual updates that we provide via Muse™ Source Factory. If by July 1st 2017 you still run one of the old Muse™ versions – 2.5 or 2.6 – you must turn OFF the Muse™ Control Center task doing the automatic updates of the Muse™ Source Packages.

Please address your concerns with our Technical Support Department at or any questions you may have regarding this change.

We recommend that you start upgrading your customer installations to using Muse™ version 2.7 and the latest Oracle Java 8 build. Note that your existing Muse™ Applications user (web) interface should continue to run or require minimal compatibility fixes, under Muse™ version 2.7. If very particular cases arise we can create custom patches to accommodate this.

We make the same suggestion of contacting our Technical Support Department at for any questions and help regarding this upgrade.

The outstanding features from the new 4.3 version of MuseKnowledge™ Proxy are now ready to be used through the availability of this version for downloadtrial and purchase/upgrade.

To widen the authentication integration scenarios MuseKnowledge™ Proxy now supports a wide range of OAuth, OAuth2, OpenID Connect Single Sign on its entry point. Although the initial target was for Google authentication more than a dozen of OAuth providers and also a generic OAuth client implementation can be configured for authentication to the providers that are not diverging from the usual practices in OAuth requests and responses. The out of the box OAuth support is for: BitBucket, DropBox, Facebook, Foursquare, Github, Google, LinkedIn, ORCiD, Paypal, Strava, Twitter, Vk, Windows Live, Word Press, Yahoo. Note that Google authentication ensures authentication with both the public domain as well as Google hosted institutions via Google Apps for Education, for example.

To cover the cases in which we need to use an existent HTTP service or even a HTML login form existent in the intranet for authentication into a MuseKnowledge™ Proxy application the development team created the External HTTP Authentication Login Module. Upon authentication MuseKnowledge™ Proxy logon page is presented and the request to the remote HTTP login end-point is made as part of an extract and navigate scenario taking a success/fail decision based on elements from the page.

Changes in the source presentation layer allows for source categorization in multiple classes (areas). Multiple areas such as Subject, Vendor, Flat, Alphabetical (A-Z) can be defined and these are displayed in different tabs. Integration with MuseSearch passthrough is also possible if dblist mappings are defined. The MuseProxyFoundation application interface has improved its look and feel to accommodate the categorization.

Three new Administration Console pages SSO Authentication, HMAC Link Generator and Evaluate Regex are available in order to help on with OAuth SSO, HMAC testing and with simulating how RegEx filters works.

HAProxy PROXY Protocol v1 and X-Forwarded-For are supported by MuseKnowledge™ Proxy in order to get the end-user IP from load balancers that do not spoof/masquerade the end-user IP in the TPC/IP packets but have other logical means of sending the IP.

An alternative extract and navigation implementation based on the Apache HTTPClient is available and can be selected on a source by source basis. This is an alternative to using the JDK URLConnection library which does not offer lower level access to source IP and we were forced to perform an extra request.

Follow-up links without authentication (session cookie) such as for the preflight OPTIONS where the CORS standard requires the browser to avoid sending authorization data (hence no cookie session) are supported based on a new source configuration element.

The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge™ Proxy Release Notes PDF Document and the new features are described in the manuals that are part of the distribution. As usual we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.

MuseGlobal is pleased to announce the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, MuseKnowledge Training Session in Bucharest, Romania, taking place from 30 September – 6 October 2016 at the Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center. This advanced training session is being conducted by MuseGlobal for the esteemed leaders and managers of the Egyptian National S&T Information Network and the Egyptian University Libraries Consortium, as the organizations directing the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) Project. MuseGlobal is honored to host this advanced training session in conjunction with its partners, LIMS Egypt, Asset Technology Group, Panworld Education, Wazner.

About the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi launched the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) on the 9th of January 2016 to form the “biggest digital library in the world” that is comprised of content from 26 leading global publishers, including National Geographic, Springer Nature, Discovery, Elsevier, Cambridge, Oxford, Reuters, Britannica and more. The Egyptian Knowledge Bank provides access to scientific, technical, medical, and education content covering all areas of knowledge and education. The EKB is comprised of four sub-portals to address the specific needs of key groups of Egyptian citizens: children, students, researchers, and general readers.

A new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy, the result of constantly adding features, is available since June 10th 2016 for downloadtrial and purchase/upgrade.

On source profiling for non IP vendor authentication, sources requiring Extractors can make use of inline server-side JavaScript for special processing of the tokens extracted. Sources requiring user certificate authentication are now covered via a client side JKS KeyStore containing a key pair (private key and certificate) and also using a KeyStore password that must coincide with the key pair one (Java’s standard).

Sources with bad SSL configuration, refusing the Server Name Indication extension and yielding “handshake alert: unrecognized_name” are also working as we found a JDK workaround to the global static Virtual Machine setting.

On integration side, HMAC login is used together with other login modules whose parameters besides authentication are used during the signature process. HMAC (keyed-hash message authentication code) signed and time limited links are securing login links with credentials by restricted their usage from a certain portal for a brief period (e.g. 30 seconds).

Either for integration purposes or just as a normal standalone requirement MuseKnowledge Proxy supports SAML 2.0 authentication as a Service Provider in a multi-tenant fashion. All products supporting SAML 2.0 in Identity Provider mode (e.g. ADFS, Okta, Shibboleth, OpenAM, Efecte EIM or Ping Federate) should be compatible with MuseKnowledge Proxy. We performed successful tests with the Shibboleth IDP implementation (with Open LDAP and with Active Directory at the other end), Simple SAML PHP IDP, with SSOCircle IDP and with Shibboleth Discovery Service implementation. As the SAML implementation is quite a big subject there are many features related to it:

  • metadata management supporting adding IDP metadata and generation of SP metadata, pre-validation of IDP metadata to detect the need of certificates, tests for authentication, inspecting SAML attributes, guidelines and more;
  • local discovery service;
  • external discovery;
  • IDP metadata configuration through URL (with a local file backup with periodically refreshes) or through file upload;
  • specifying IDP metadata as a file/url containing one EntityDescriptor or as multiple EntityDescriptor wrapped in EntitiesDescriptor (e.g. a federation) with filters eliminating conflicts if the SP metadata is also present in the same file.

Besides the existent support for enabling remote rewritten content to be served using gzip compression, we added support to serve the local content encoded using gzip; hence content originating to MuseKnowledge Proxy, such as the application interfaces is now served using gzip compression.

There are more cases in which HTTP responses with error status are not reported as error using the MuseKnowledge Proxy error templates, but rather the native error is shown. The status codes are 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error and 503 Service Unavailable.

The detailed list of changes is available in MuseKnowledge Proxy Release Notes PDF Document and the new features are described in the manuals that are part of the distribution. As usual we offer a Free 30 Day Trial period to fully evaluate the new version of MuseKnowledge Proxy. You can request a Trial License Key by simply filling in the trial form.