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To make sure Muse Proxy rewrites a website protected by Cloudflare the most reliable way is for the publisher to list the outbound IP address at Cloudflare. This is a must especially if the Cloduflare challenge is set to Interactive Challenge (the captcha-like one). For publishers not intending to support rewriting proxies, if the publisher site is set up with a non-interactive JS challenge, then the Muse Proxy source profile can be configured using a base64 filter: Use corresponding URL patterns here Also some Cloudflare cases may require the following profile settings true TLSv1.3 TLSv1.3
Categories: General, Muse Proxy

Many websites implement security mechanisms to protect against spam and abuse from automated computer programs (bots), the most used solutions are the CAPTCHAs.

There are several CAPTCHA implementations available, Google’s reCAPTCHA being very popular.
The reCAPTCHA functionality is based on embedding the Google security check that is incompatible with any rewriting proxy software, which is the man in the middle between the user’s browser and the accessed website, thus considered a potential security issue. Because the domain of the rewriting proxy is different than the publisher domain registered for the reCAPTCHA, the security verification is failing.

However, if the publisher can register the domain of Muse Proxy for reCAPTCHA (ex. proxy.domain.com), the domain security verification will work. From our experience, there are few publishers that support the integration of the proxy domains with reCAPTCHA based on the proxy IP address. Technically they generate a reCAPTCHA key for each proxy domain and use it when the access is made from that proxy IP address.

For some publishers we found that they can disable reCAPTCHA on their site for the Muse Proxy users.

The answer to the question if Muse Proxy supports reCAPTCHA depends on the capabilities of the publisher platform: Yes, if the publisher can offer one of the two solutions described above, and No if there is no coping from the publisher.

Besides Google’s reCAPTCHA, there are other CAPTCHA solutions that can be found on publisher websites. If the publisher can disable the CAPTCHA for the Muse Proxy users, this is the most viable option. If this is not possible, as a last resort, we can try crafting inside the Muse Proxy Source Profile, a set of filters to process the CAPTCHA’s JavaScript coding to pass the domain verification or to redirect to a re-written version of the publisher domain being verified. But this solution takes a lot of development time and may not have a successful outcome and may even be against the terms of service of the publisher/CAPTCHA’s solution.

Categories: General, Muse Proxy

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