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The procedure of creating a new admin user is fully described in the “Muse Console for Application Administration.pdf” document, chapter “Administrative Users Setup and Maintenance”. A particular case of creating a new admin user is if that user must has rights only on one application. Thus, when selecting a grant entry to grant a permission, from the list of available options one must chose “Modify Application”. Having only this grant added, then only one application will be available to be selected for administration. In the list of available applications, the new admin user will only see the selected aplication.

The procedure to increase the memory for a Muse server installed as a service under Windows is:

a) Stop the service by typing at the command prompt:
– net stop “Muse Proxy Service” (for Muse Proxy) and/or
– net stop “Muse ICE Server” (for Muse ICE) and/or
– net stop “Muse HTTP Server” (for Muse HTTP) or net stop “Embedded Apache Tomcat” (for Apache Tomcat)
or by navigating to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and stop whatever is needed.

b) Uninstall the service(s) using the provided script(s):
– “UnInstallMuseProxyService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\proxy folder) and/or
– “UnInstallICEService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\use\ice folder)and/or
– “UnInstallHTTPService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\http folder – if using Muse HTTP Server) or “service.bat remove” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\tomcat\bin folder – if using Apache Tomcat server)

c1) For Muse before 2500, modify the corresponding “JavaService.jvm” file(s) available in the location(s) above mentioned by changing the following lines (using a text editor):
– Xms64M
– Xmx256M
to whatever memory amount needed. Please consider the available physical memory of the machine ().

c2) If using Apache Tomcat HTTP server (Muse 2500 or newer), all changes described above still hold, except for the Apache Tomcat – the changes must be made in the %MUSE_HOME%\tomcat\bin\configure.bat file, by modifying the TOMCAT_XMS and/or TOMCAT_XMX values.

d) Re-install the service(s) using the provided script(s):
– “InstallMuseProxyService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\proxy folder) and/or
– “InstallICEService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\use\ice folder) and/or

– “InstallHTTPService.bat” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\http folder – if using Muse HTTP Server) or “service.bat install” (available in the %MUSE_HOME%\tomcat\bin folder – if using Apache Tomcat server)

e) Start the service(s) by typing at the command prompt:
– net start “Muse Proxy Service” (for Muse Proxy) and/or
– net start “Muse ICE Server” (for Muse ICE) and/or
– net start “Muse HTTP Server” (for Muse HTTP) or net start “Embedded Apache Tomcat” (for Apache Tomcat)

or by navigating to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and start whatever is needed.

Note: when editing “JavaService.jvm” like files, one must be aware that each line of the file must end with a “space” and “ENTER” and the last line of it must not have either the “space” nor the “ENTER”.

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