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The procedure to change/remove the default sorting algorithm in an application (Muse or above) is: – log into the MCAA/MCCS, – select an application, – click Application Modules, – click Ranking Keys, – click Update Interface, – select for which language to make the change, – select the desired default ordering method/key (right side), – click Update, – click Close Window button. Note that this applies for applications based on a MuseFoundation application template. To verify the changes relogin into the application. For applications that are based on an older application template, the settings must be manually done because they are not compatible with the newer Muse admin consoles (MCAA/MCCS). Below are the changes that must be done to configure the default sorting algorithm in applications based on older templates. Edit the – $APPLICATION_HOME/www/application/searchOptions.db file and/or the – $APPLICATION_HOME/www/international/XYZ/application/searchOptions.db file(s), where XYZ is the language code. The line which is equivalent to None (no ordering), must be replaced with: or any other sorting key, such as: – ICERankingKeyAuthor – ICERankingKeyAuthorTitle – ICERankingKeyDate – ICERankingKeyField – ICERankingKeyRelevance – ICERankingKeyRetrieved – ICERankingKeySource – ICERankingKeyTitle depending on the needes.

The procedure to change/remove the default sorting algorithm in an application (Muse or above) is:

– log into the MCAA/MCCS,
– select an application,
– click Application Modules,
– click Ranking Keys,
– click Update Interface,
– select for which language to make the change,
– select the desired default ordering method/key (right side),
– click Update,
– click Close Window button.

Note that this applies for applications based on a MuseFoundation application template. To verify the changes relogin into the application.

For applications that are based on an older application template, the settings must be manually done because they are not compatible with the newer Muse admin consoles (MCAA/MCCS).

Below are the changes that must be done to configure the default sorting algorithm in applications based on older templates. Edit the

- $APPLICATION_HOME/www/application/searchOptions.db file and/or the
- $APPLICATION_HOME/www/international/XYZ/application/searchOptions.db file(s), where XYZ is the language code.

The line

which is equivalent to None (no ordering), must be replaced with:

or any other sorting key, such as:

– ICERankingKeyAuthor
– ICERankingKeyAuthorTitle
– ICERankingKeyDate
– ICERankingKeyField
– ICERankingKeyRelevance
– ICERankingKeyRetrieved
– ICERankingKeySource
– ICERankingKeyTitle

depending on the needes.

The reason why the search is not automatically starting when using the following search form:

is that there are no SP targets provided on which to perform the search.

Specifying/providing the SP targets can be done in 2 ways:

a) Setting in the application the default sources for the searches. This can be done using the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration as follows:
– login into the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration, select the desired application and click on the “Setup and Organize Sources” left menu item;
– go to “Organize Sources” left menu item and click on the “Update Interface” sub-item;
– in the right section of the “Update Interface” panel check the Source Packages that should be selected as default from each defined group;
– press the Update button; this will update the interface for the default language with the selected Source Packages; if you want to specify default selected Source Packages for other languages available than the default one, select the desired language from the “Language” combobox and make the same operations, e.g. select the sources and press the “Update” button.
b) Extend the HTML form presented below and include the targets on which to perform the search. For example if one wants to perform the search on the XX and YY SPs, add the following lines inside the form:

The dbList parameter is documented in the “2.0 Use of MusePeer – Auto-logon and Pass-through mechanisms” chapter from the Muse Web Bridge Communication Interface.pdf document.

The Source Packages installed in a Muse application can be seen in the Muse Administrator Consoles (Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration) as follows:
– login into the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration console, select the desired application and click on the “Setup and Organize Sources” left menu item;
– the source IDs (dbList values) are in the “ID” column of the sources listing.

Additionally, another parameter could be added: “reuseSession=true” parameter (also documented in the above mentioned chapter) in the HTML form so that the sessions are reused for consecutive usage of the passthrough form from the same end-user. For this add int he form above:

The procedure to change/remove the default sorting algorithm in an application (Muse or above) is:

– log into the MCAA/MCCS,
– select an application,
– click Application Modules,
– click Ranking Keys,
– click Update Interface,
– select for which language to make the change,
– select the desired default ordering method/key (right side),
– click Update,
– click Close Window button.

Note that this applies for applications based on a MuseFoundation application template. To verify the changes relogin into the application.

For applications that are based on an older application template, the settings must be manually done because they are not compatible with the newer Muse admin consoles (MCAA/MCCS).

Below are the changes that must be done to configure the default sorting algorithm in applications based on older templates. Edit the

$APPLICATION_HOME/www/application/searchOptions.db file and/or the
$APPLICATION_HOME/www/international/XYZ/application/searchOptions.db file(s), where XYZ is the language code.

The line

which is equivalent to None (no ordering), must be replaced with:

or any other sorting key, such as:

– ICERankingKeyAuthor
– ICERankingKeyAuthorTitle
– ICERankingKeyDate
– ICERankingKeyField
– ICERankingKeyRelevance
– ICERankingKeyRetrieved
– ICERankingKeySource
– ICERankingKeyTitle

depending on the needes.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

The reason why the search is not automatically starting when using the following search form:

is that there are no SP targets provided on which to perform the search.

Specifying/providing the SP targets can be done in 2 ways:

a) Setting in the application the default sources for the searches. This can be done using the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration as follows:
– login into the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration, select the desired application and click on the “Setup and Organize Sources” left menu item;
– go to “Organize Sources” left menu item and click on the “Update Interface” sub-item;
– in the right section of the “Update Interface” panel check the Source Packages that should be selected as default from each defined group;
– press the Update button; this will update the interface for the default language with the selected Source Packages; if you want to specify default selected Source Packages for other languages available than the default one, select the desired language from the “Language” combobox and make the same operations, e.g. select the sources and press the “Update” button.

b) Extend the HTML form presented below and include the targets on which to perform the search. For example if one wants to perform the search on the XX and YY SPs, add the following lines inside the form:

The dbList parameter is documented in the “2.0 Use of MusePeer – Auto-logon and Pass-through mechanisms” chapter from the Muse Web Bridge Communication Interface.pdf document.

The Source Packages installed in a Muse application can be seen in the Muse Administrator Consoles (Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration) as follows:
– login into the Muse Console for Customer Support or Muse Console for Applications Administration console, select the desired application and click on the “Setup and Organize Sources” left menu item;
– the source IDs (dbList values) are in the “ID” column of the sources listing.

Additionally, another parameter could be added: “reuseSession=true” parameter (also documented in the above mentioned chapter) in the HTML form so that the sessions are reused for consecutive usage of the passthrough form from the same end-user. For this add int he form above:

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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