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The custom parameters that can be configured for a Harvesting Source Package which parses information from various categories of the target site are: - CATEGORY_RECORDS_MAX_AGE - represents the maximum time in milliseconds for a record, more precisely all records whose age is greater than the value of this parameter are ignored. As the records from a site may be getting older when news are not added on that site during a period of time, one may need sometimes to set a bigger value for this parameter in order for the Source Package to continue to retrieve results after a period of time. There is not a common default value for this custom parameter in all the configuration files used by the Harvesting Source Packages searching on sites with categories; however, the most often encountered values are: * 259200000 milliseconds (3 days) * 345600000 milliseconds (4 days) * 604800000 milliseconds (7 days) * 777600000 milliseconds (9 days) - CATEGORY_RECORDS_STOP_ON_EXCEEDING_MAX_AGE may have the values “yes” or “no” (without the quotes). If set to “yes” the connector will stop retrieving records from that category when it encounters the first record that is older than the maximum age set (in CATEGORY_RECORDS_MAX_AGE). If set to “no” the connector will skip the records that are older than the maximum age set, but will not stop retrieving records; - CATEGORY_MAXIMUM_RECORDS_PROCESSED has a numeric value that tells the connector the maximum number of records to process in a single category. If for example it is set to 50 then even if that category contains 64 valid records the connector will stop after parsing 50 records; - CATEGORY_MAXIMUM_RECORDS_RETURNED has a numeric value that tells the connector the maximum number of valid records (that fulfill all the requirements). For example, if this parameter is set to 20, then after finding 20 records that have the necessary age, the connector stops processing that category. The parameters may have empty values and they are semicolon delimited as following: CATEGORY_RECORDS_MAX_AGE=;CATEGORY_RECORDS_STOP_ON_EXCEEDING_MAX_AGE=;CATEGORY_MAXIMUM_RECORDS_PROCESSED=;CATEGORY_MAXIMUM_RECORDS_RETURNED= A particular case of Harvesting Source Packages which parse information from various categories of their respective target sites are the RSS20 Source Packages. So the comments above apply also to them. If you need to update the value of these parameters, please follow the below instructions using the MCAA console: – Log in to the Console using your username and your password; – Select the application containing the Source Package you need to configure and press the “Setup and Organize Sources” link from the left side of the window; – Select the source you need to configure and press the “Edit Source Advanced Configuration” link from the left panel; – In the “Source Advanced Configuration” window go to the “Other Settings” group in the bottom of the window, and edit the text box corresponding to the “Custom Parameters” option.
Categories: Muse Harvest, Sources

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