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The MNM entries are set: A) at individual Source Package level B) at the Application level To stop the rewriting for a Source Package, one must: A) Remove the MNM entries at individual Source Package level The MNM entries can be removed from the individual Source Package level through the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows: – login into MSC – select an Application using the radio button – select the “Sources” section – go to “Configure” section – click the “Advanced” button next to the Source Package to be edited – the value for MNM entered in the “Link URLs” field must be empty B) Removing additional MNM entries from Application level The MNM entries can be removed from Application level using Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows: – login into MSC – select an Application using the radio button – select the “General Settings” section – go to “Navigation Management” section – the value for the MNM at the Application level in the “Link URLs” field sould be empty, or that particular Source Package moved to the exclude section. Note*: The MNM entries at the Application level are additional to the ones for individual Source Package level. So for each Source Package the the MNM entries set up for that Source Package plus the MNM entries set up at application level (A + B above) will be used. Note**: in old Muse systems use for rewriting purposes the settings found in ${MUSE_HOME}/web/Users.properties. This method is obsolete now, so all the entries inside it of the form “application_id.navigationManagerMode” should be set to “none” (application_id.navigationManagerMode=none). This operation must be done after the values set here were merged with the ones from application level (see point B above).
Categories: Muse Search, Sources

The MNM entries can be set:
A) at the individual Source Package level
B) additional MNM entries can be set at the Application level

A) Setting MNM entries at the individual Source Package level:
The MNM entries can be set at individual Source Package level using the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into the MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “Sources” section
– go to “Configure” section
– click the “Advanced” button near the Source Package in the list that is to be edited
– the value for MNM must be entered in the “Link URLs” field

B) Setting additional MNM entries at application level
The MNM entries can be set at the Application level using the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into the MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “General Settings” section
– go to “Navigation Management” section
– the value for the MNM at the Application level must be entered in the “Link URLs” field

Note*: The MNM entries at the Application level are additional to the ones set for individual Source Package level. So for a Source Package the MNM entries set up for that Source Package plus the MNM entries set up at Application level (A + B above) will be used.

Note**: The MNM entries at the Application level are usually used when many sources at the Application level are using a WAM (Web Access Management) software such as ezProxy as this provides a way to add a MNM entry that is to be used by multiple sources. Except in the case of WAM software it is not recommended that MNM entries be set at the Application level.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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