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Updating a Source Package installed in a Muse Application or adding a new one make use of the Global InfoBase service. The access to the Global InfoBase service is done with a username/password combination that were assigned to you by MuseGlobal. The fact that you get “Source package decode error” messages when updating Muse Source Packages in the Muse Administration Console shows that you did not configure in your Muse installation the username/password for accessing the Global Source Factory service. There are 2 ways for configuring the access details for the Global Source Factory service in a Muse installation:
  1. At the Muse system level. This means that you configure the username/password for accessing the Global Source Factory service at the system level and all administrative users like mcaa and mccs make use of it. To do this setting edit the ${MUSE_HOME}/factory/SourceFactory.xml file and fill in the GLOBAL_IB_USERand GLOBAL_IB_PASSWORD fields with the username/password that were provided to you by MuseGlobal. You should have there the startersf default restrictive details, just replace them with the ones provided to you. A restart of the Muse Embedded Tomcat server is required for this setting to take effect.
  2. At the administrative user level. This means that you can configure the username/password for accessing the Global InfoBase service individually, for each Muse Administration user (like mcaa, mccs). The advantage of this configuration is that you can specify different access details for the Global InfoBase service for each Muse Administration user. Another advantage is that the restart of the Muse Embedded Tomcat server is no longer required. Specifying the access details for the Global InfoBase service for a Muse Administration user is done through the Muse Console for Applications Administration interface (mcaa user) as follows:
    • login into the Muse Console for Applications Administration interface as the mcaa user.
    • go to the Users tab, locate the desired administration user, select it and click on the "Edit Properties" leftmenu item.
    • in the "Edit MAB User Properties" panel fill in the "Global InfoBase User Name" and "Global InfoBase User Password" fields with the appropriate values.
    • re-login into the Muse Administration Console if the setting was done for the mcaa user or login with the user for which the Global InfoBase details were updated.

A Source Package can be added only once in each source group defined in an application. The Source Package name cannot be different – it will have the same name in all the groups it belongs to.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

The MNM entries are set:
A) at individual Source Package level
B) at the Application level

To stop the rewriting for a Source Package, one must:

A) Remove the MNM entries at individual Source Package level
The MNM entries can be removed from the individual Source Package level through the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “Sources” section
– go to “Configure” section
– click the “Advanced” button next to the Source Package to be edited
– the value for MNM entered in the “Link URLs” field must be empty

B) Removing additional MNM entries from Application level
The MNM entries can be removed from Application level using Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “General Settings” section
– go to “Navigation Management” section
– the value for the MNM at the Application level in the “Link URLs” field sould be empty, or that particular Source Package moved to the exclude section.

Note*: The MNM entries at the Application level are additional to the ones for individual Source Package level. So for each Source Package the the MNM entries set up for that Source Package plus the MNM entries set up at application level (A + B above) will be used.

Note**: in old Muse systems use for rewriting purposes the settings found in ${MUSE_HOME}/web/Users.properties. This method is obsolete now, so all the entries inside it of the form “application_id.navigationManagerMode” should be set to “none” (application_id.navigationManagerMode=none). This operation must be done after the values set here were merged with the ones from application level (see point B above).

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

Follow these steps to save the list of licensed Source Packages (SPs):
– Login to Source Factory, then go to “Source Factory” > “Source Packages List”;
– Select “All” from “Per Page” drop down from the top right page. This will take a few minutes while it builds a list of several thousand Source IDs;
– Perform a search using no specific keywords but by selecting “Released” (instead of “All Values”) as your search criteria in the “Production Status” drop down near the bottom of the page. This search will result in a display of released SPs. This will take a few minutes while it builds a list of several thousand Source IDs;
– When the Source Package list is complete go to the top right hand side of the list. A button labeled “Export to CSV” is displayed. Select this option, let the export run, and then format the report as needed

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

The MNM entries can be set:
A) at the individual Source Package level
B) additional MNM entries can be set at the Application level

A) Setting MNM entries at the individual Source Package level:
The MNM entries can be set at individual Source Package level using the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into the MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “Sources” section
– go to “Configure” section
– click the “Advanced” button near the Source Package in the list that is to be edited
– the value for MNM must be entered in the “Link URLs” field

B) Setting additional MNM entries at application level
The MNM entries can be set at the Application level using the Muse Source Console (MSC) as follows:
– login into the MSC
– select an Application using the radio button
– select the “General Settings” section
– go to “Navigation Management” section
– the value for the MNM at the Application level must be entered in the “Link URLs” field

Note*: The MNM entries at the Application level are additional to the ones set for individual Source Package level. So for a Source Package the MNM entries set up for that Source Package plus the MNM entries set up at Application level (A + B above) will be used.

Note**: The MNM entries at the Application level are usually used when many sources at the Application level are using a WAM (Web Access Management) software such as ezProxy as this provides a way to add a MNM entry that is to be used by multiple sources. Except in the case of WAM software it is not recommended that MNM entries be set at the Application level.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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