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There are files used by Muse that reside outside of the ${MUSE_HOME} folder. Below is a list of such files along with their location, depending on the Operating System. 1a) The vpd.properties file (before Muse 2104). This is the InstallShield’s installation database. It keeps track of all Muse products installed and it is located under the installing user home directory on non-Windows platforms and in the Windows directory (if the user has write permissions) or in user’s home directory (if the user has no write permissions in the Windows directory). 1b) The InstallShield directory. This is the InstallShield’s installation database. It keeps track of all Muse products installed and it is located under the installing user home directory on non-Windows platforms and in the %HOMEDRIVE%/Program Files/Common Files/ directory or in user’s home directory (if the user has no write permissions in the %HOMEDRIVE%/Program Files/ directory). 2) For running Muse servers as Windows services, each server will be registered to Windows as a regular service (using Windows registry). 2a) Before Muse 2210. The following files refer to Muse Services on non-Windows platforms: /etc/rc.d/startMuseServices - used to start Muse Services; /etc/rc.d/rc.muse - used to start/stop/restart Muse Services; 2b) After Muse 2210 (including). The following files refer to Muse Services on non-Windows platforms: /etc/init.d/muse - used to start/stop/restart Muse Services; 2c) The following files refer to Muse Services on non-Windows platforms. These are symbolic links to /etc/init.d/muse and belong to the service management system on Linux: /etc/rc3.d/K99Muse - used to stop Muse Services in run level 3; /etc/rc3.d/S99Muse - used to start Muse Services in run level 3; /etc/rc4.d/S99Muse - used to start Muse Services in run level 4; /etc/rc4.d/K99Muse - used to stop Muse Services in run level 4; /etc/rc5.d/S99Muse - used to start Muse Services in run level 5; /etc/rc5.d/K99Muse - used to stop Muse Services in run level 5; Note: the rc[x].d directories could also be located under the /etc/rc.d directory (depending on your Operating System). 3) Temporary files: InstallShield creates a number of temporary files and directories in the user’s temporary directory, necessary for running the Muse Setups. These files are are created and managed by the InstallShield installation software and are not under control of Muse Setups. 4) The options file (options or fields entered by the user when running a Muse Setup will be recorded here for later usage) will be stored by default in the user’s home directory. 5) Files installed in order to create the Desktop or Start Menu shortcuts for GUI interfaces. This is very dependent of the Operating Systems on which Muse is installed.

This a normal behavior considering how Muse works and how different sites on Internet respond to consecutive searches.

A search performed in a Muse application starts at the ICE server level a number of connectors, each working on a native data service. Each such connector, as it searches the native data service and obtains records, sends these records to ICE which further sends records to the Muse application to be displayed.

So, the records come and are displayed in the Muse application www interface in the order in which they are received from the native sites and parsed. From one search to another the native sites might have different speeds of response and also the order in which the connectors are launched and run into execution may differ because they are run in parallel as threads.

Considering this, it is possible that at a second search performed in a Muse application, using the same term and on the same sources, to show records in different order.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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