Chapter 1. Overview

Table of Contents

Features Summary
Documentation and Samples


CERTivity® is a powerful pure Java multi-platform visual KeyStores manager. This standalone GUI desktop application provides a natural experience for managing and using KeyStores, Certificates, Key Pairs (Private Key, Certificate Chains), Secret Keys in various formats. It covers and combines functions that otherwise are available through verbose command line tools or other operating system tools or browsers. It is not intended to be just a simple 1:1 visual equivalent of these tools - the features being combined and centralized in an intuitive and productive organization.

Thus developers and system administrator can gain valuable time and ensure the greatest productivity by letting CERTivity taking care of the low level details in a uniform manner on almost all the systems - Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac.

In the long term, CERTivity aims at being a centralized manager and platform for the digital security related assets.