
The Tools toolbar provides a quick method for invoking tools for using in the application. The toolbar items are grouped in certain categories that can be disabled or enabled using the View > Toolbars menu option:

Creates a new KeyStore.File
Opens an existing KeyStore.
Opens an existing Certificate as Standalone.
Saves the active document.
Saves all documents.
Undo the last action, if possible.Undo/Redo
Redo allows commands that have previously been undone with the Undo to be redone.
Removes the currently selected data from the active document and put it on the clipboard.Clipboard
Copies selected data onto the clipboard.
Inserts a copy of the clipboard contents at the insertion point.
Changes the alias name for the KeyStore entry.Edit
Deletes the KeyStore entry.
Changes the KeyStore password.KeyStore
Converts the KeyStore type.
Generates a Key Pair.
Generates a Secret Key.
Retrieves Certificates from SSL.
Imports a Key Pair.
Imports a trusted Certificate.

A memory usage toolbar icon showing the current memory and the current maximum memory of the Java Heap is also present. When clicking on it, you can force the garbage collection.

A Quick Search function for Actions, Options and Help items is available, by default, in the Toolbar area, helping one to identify an item based on its name. The Quick Search feature at the application level, consists of a text field in the top right corner. As a search string is typed in the field, a drop-down list appears, showing matching items. The items come from the names of actions, options registered in the application and help topics in the application's JavaHelp. When an action item is selected, the action is invoked; when an option item is selected, the options dialog is displayed; when a help item is selected, the topic opens in JavaHelp.

Besides the main toolbar, the application provides a secondary toolbar on the KeyStore tab, for quick access.