Open an Existing KeyStore

In order to open an existing KeyStore, click on Menu File > Open > Open KeyStore or use the default keyboard shortcut CTRL+O. A file chooser dialog box will be opened in order to select the desired KeyStore file. The supported file extensions have the following default filters: cacerts; *.ks; *.jks; *.jce; *.p12; *.pfx; *.bks; *.ubr; *.keystore.. An All Files filter is available, too.

After selecting the KeyStore file, the KeyStore password is required.

Most recently used KeyStores can be found using Menu File > Open Recent File. A simple click on the desired KeyStore in the menu, will open the KeyStore in a new tab. The KeyStore's password is required only in the "Persist only KeyStore file name" mode. If the KeyStore has been already opened, the KeyStore's tab will be activated.

On Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms, dragging a KeyStore from a file explorer into CERTivity will also open it.

CERTivity automatically detects the right type of KeyStore when openning. For bks type CERTivity supports Bouncy Castle's bks-v1 as well to stay compatible with older versions of Bouncy Castle (older than 1.49). The logic related to the BKS type versions is:


You can see a sample of :

  • jks KeyStore type in the samples directory: doc/samples/keystore/JKS-KeyStore-sample.jks;

  • pkcs12 KeyStore type in the samples directory: doc/samples/keystore/PKCS12-KeyStore-Sample.p12;

  • jceks KeyStore type in the samples directory:doc/samples/keystore/JCEKS-KeyStore-Sample.jce;

  • bks-v1 KeyStore type in the samples directory: doc/samples/keystore/BKS-KeyStore-Sample.bks;

  • uber KeyStore type in the samples directory: doc/samples/keystore/UBER-KeyStore-Sample.ubr.