Chapter 7. FAQ

Table of Contents

How to Install the Unlimited JCE Jurisdiction Policy?
Which Are the Available KeyStores Types in CERTivity Application?
Sometimes the Entry Name (Alias) Changes its Case
Fonts too large
Having rendering issues?
Why do I get an "Access Denied" error when trying to save a KeyStore to a file located in Program Files?

How to Install the Unlimited JCE Jurisdiction Policy?

If you exported your PKCS#12/Uber KeyStore file from your browser and used a stronger password that is greater than 7 characters, you may need to download and install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files so you can read the file.

This is a matter of U.S. policy and U.S. export controls and is not triggered by technical reasons.

Usually, for Oracle, the Unlimited JCE is available to download as an additional resource in the download index for JDK/JRE ( ). This will depend on the Java version currently used to start CERTivity, which can be observed under Help > Advanced Details > Java System Properties. For example, for Oracle Java 1.7.0_45, which is also the current JRE in the bundled setups, you can download the required files from:

CERTivity has a wizard which tries to handle automatically the installation of the Unlimited JCE Jurisdiction Policy, through an embedded browser opened at the official Oracle address. You only have to Accept the license agreement, if your conditions allows this, and click the download link. The rest of the procedure is automatically taken care by CERTivity. To benefit from this go to Help > Advanced Details > Security Properties and check the Policy Status to see if the Unlimited Policy is installed or not. If it is not Installed (status value is false), then use the Install button. This works for Java version 1.7.0_13 or later because the browser is made available through JavaFX. For more details read the section Advanced Details.

If for some reasons, such as JavaFX incompatibilities, the wizard for automatic installation of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files is not working, then, in order to manually install these files, follow the steps below:

  1. Accept the license agreement from the Java vendor;

  2. Download the unlimited strength JCE policy files;

  3. Uncompress and extract the downloaded file - this will create a version dependent subdirectory called, for example, UnlimitedJCEPolicy for Java 1.7;

  4. Install the unlimited strength policy JAR files from the uncompressed UnlimitedJCEPolicy directory:

    • in case of using a CERTivity bundled JRE setup, the place for JCE policy files is in ${certivity.home}/jre/lib/security, for example for Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\EduLib\CERTivity 1.2\jre\lib\security ;

    • the standard place for JCE policy files is: ${jdk.home}/jre/lib/security in case of using JDK for starting CERTivity, or ${jre.home}/lib/security in case of using a JRE. To see the exact version of Java used for CERTivity consult the Help > About menu or the CERTivity log file. To control the Java used to start CERTivity set the  jdkhome  property from ${certivity_home}/etc/certivity.conf  by uncommenting and pointing it to the JRE path, for example: jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jre7".