MuseKnowledge Application 8.7 Release

We are excited to announce a new version of the MuseKnowledge Application, bringing new features and improvements as well as bug fixes. The highlights of the new version are presented below.

When retrieving zero results from a search in the OneSearch interface, a new suggestion is available to launch the same search in the Discover interface:

A similar suggestion was added in the Related Queries widget: "Haven’t found what you are looking for? Get more results from Discover.", to provide a quick link into the Discover interface, searching with the same query.

These new suggestions are displayed only if the Discover feature is enabled.

The search results display area was extended to display inline holdings information, if available in the result's metadata. The holding items are displayed in a table format. It applies for results retrieved from library platforms where information about a library item is useful, such as the loan status, barcode, location, branch, etc. .

The search results display area was extended to display inline holdings information, if available in the result's metadata. The holding items are displayed in a table format. It applies for results retrieved from library platforms where information about a library item is useful, such as the loan status, barcode, location, branch, etc. .


Complete changes information for version 8.6:

New features and improvements:
  • When no results are retrieved from federated search, a new suggestion was added in the "No results were found." section, to also try the same search in Discover. A link is available to switch to the Discover interface, launching the search.A similar suggestion was added in the Related Queries widget: "Haven’t found what you are looking for? Get more results from Discover.", to provide a quick link into the Discover interface, searching with the same query.These new suggestions are displayed only if the Discover feature is enabled.
  • The search results display area was extended to display inline holdings information, if available in the result's metadata. The holding items are displayed in a table format. It applies for results retrieved from library platforms where information about a library item is useful, such as the loan status, barcode, location, branch, etc. . Because the holdings metadata varies from one library implementation to another, to optimize the displayed metadata in the result's tile, the list of holding elements to display is configurable.
Bug fixes:
  • A slowness was experienced when navigating in the current result set via pagination in the Chrome browser, when more than 25 results per page were displayed. This behavior was improved, the result set navigation is now working normally, no matter the browser and how many results are displayed per page.
  • In the suggestions texts that are displayed when no results are found for a search, the link to open the Search Sources panel did not work anymore. This was fixed.
  • In the Search Options panel, when the Banded Retrieval functionality is enabled and used, the name of the selected ordering option was not correctly displayed. This was fixed.
  • When switching quickly back and forth between the OneSearch and Discover pages, a JavaScript 'undefined' error was displayed in the browser's console window for the Images widget. This was corrected.