
A Muse® Harvest Application is an individual instance that runs inside Muse® at a customer site or at a group of sites to provide harvesting of resources. As the harvesting process is a complex one, there are Muse® Application templates specially created and preconfigured for harvesting processes. These settings, well documented in their own manuals, will provide all the tools needed for such operations.

The Muse® Source Factory keeps the details, stores, manages, and distributes the thousands of Muse® Smart Connectors to Muse® installations worldwide. More than 6,500 different Data Sources are accessed by clients based on their own credentials and rights, using our Muse® Smart Connectors. There are already existing a lot of RSS and other type of sources ready and many other can be build on demand.

This is a set of Muse® functions which gather content from a wide range of Data Sources, analyze it for entities, generate secondary content about it, and distribute it for widgets, newsletters, dashboards, etc.

Muse® Meters display lists of people, teams, products, topics. They show movement, rank, importance, stories and can be skinned to suit the local look and feel. The live links to results list and original records are preserved.

Muse® Record Tracking System is intended to be used in harvesting type Muse® installations. Its main role is to track the statuses of the records processed by the system from the moment these records enter the system either through a search connector or imported from 3rd party databases to the moment these records are exported by the system in one of the various outputs.

Muse® Control Center can be used to execute tasks at any given moment. The tasks lists, either default or custom, can be used for various purposes, starting from regularly updating the Muse® Source Packages to sending emails to users or even generate usage statistics of the system they run on.

Muse® Control Center helps users run saved queries (Muse® Alerts) on various sources at any moment, without their intervention. The results extracted can be either sent by email or stored on disk and provided at a later time on demand.