FAQ Tag: login

Why do I get “Maximun number of sessions” error when trying to login in a Muse application?

The “Login error: Maximum number of sessions for user … has been reached. Please try again later.” occurs when the application or system level limit on the number of simultaneous users is reached. Limits are built in by default as a protection against one single application logging in so many users that it occupies all…

How should a Muse application be configured for IP authentication?

To configure an application that uses username/password authentication method to use also IP authentication, one must do some configurations. A) For Muse version 2500, the admin console can be used to add/edit the IP authentication of a Muse application: – log into the MCAA console as a mcaa based user; – select the desired Muse…

What authentication types a Muse Proxy Application supports?

For authenticating the end-users into a Muse Proxy Application the following authentication modules are available: –ProxyLoginModuleUserPassword. Performs User Name/Password authentication. –ProxyLoginModuleIP. Performs IP authentication based on client machine IP. –ProxyLoginModuleLDAP. Performs authentication against a LDAP Server. –ProxyLoginModuleFTP. Performs authentication against a FTP Server. The FTP authentication module supports NONE, SSL or TLS connection encryptions. –…