FAQ Tag: source package

In the Muse Source Console, if a Source is deleted with the Configure tab Delete icon, is it possible to restore it from a previous backup/profile or are the backups also deleted?

Deleting a Source through the Console deletes all entry points to that Source from the Console. The backup files are not deleted, however, so the way to access the .bak files for the Source is to add the Source to the Application again. The backups will be available through the Backup/Restore tab once the Source…

I get “Global InfoBase wrong user name or password” error when listing, updating or adding Source Packages.

Such and error may occur in 2 cases: A. the username and password used to access the Global InfoBase are not correct and/or B. the Muse communication with Global InfoBase is not successful. A. The u/p used to access the Global InfoBase are set for each admin user via Designer console or Muse Console for…

What happens when a query sent to Muse includes a limiter not supported by a SP?

If a search with limiters is performed on a Muse Source Package then all the limiters which are not supported by that Source Package are ignored – only supported ones are processed. There will never be an unsupported query caused by the presence of some search limiters in the query. This is valid for all…

What happens when a query sent to Muse includes a limiter not supported by a SP?

If a search with limiters is performed on a Muse Source Package then all the limiters which are not supported by that Source Package are ignored – only supported ones are processed. There will never be an unsupported query caused by the presence of some search limiters in the query. This is valid for all…