How do I check what version of Muse I am running?

Under $ICE_HOME/, there is a script called “version”. Running this script will allow you to see what version of ICE you are running. The version of the ICE server also tells you the Muse version.
This can be run as a normal script on a Unix based Operating Systems ($ICE_HOME/version) or from a Command Prompt window under Windows Operating Systems (%ICE_HOME%/version.bat).

There is a more comprehensive script in Muse which prints out the version of all installed Muse components and tools called startSystemInformation. This script is available only if the “Muse Admin Bridge” product is licensed. It can be run as a normal script on a Unix based Operating Systems ($USE_HOME/tools/startSystemInformation) or from a Command Prompt window under Windows Operating Systems (%USE_HOME%/tools/startSystemInformation.bat).