What are the ‘Type 1’ and ‘Type 2’ rewritten links?

They are types of rewritten links handled by the ‘Navigation Manager’ web context.

A) Example of ‘Type 1’ rewritten URL:

A rewritten link is of ‘Type 1’ format if it contains the Muse Navigation Manager authentication markers (MuseCookie, MuseReferer, MuseProxyHost etc. as CGI parameters) and if it does not contain the MuseSessionID marker in the path part of the URL.

The ‘Type 1’ URL can be manually created, automatically generated from a different application or can be generated using the “Utilities >> Rewrite URL” section from the Muse Proxy Administrator console. The latter is available only if the “Enable Type 1 Links” option is enabled in the Muse Proxy License Key File.

B) The ‘Type 2’ rewritten URLs are dynamical URLs associated with a navigation session managed by Muse Proxy. The ‘Type 2’ rewritten URLs are valid only for small periods of time (by default 30 minutes after they are last accessed), while the navigation session associated with them is still valid.

Example of ‘Type 2’ rewritten URL:

A rewritten link is of ‘Type 2’ format if it contains the MuseSessionID marker in the path part of the URL.

The ‘Type 2’ rewritten links cannot be manually generated. They are generated by Muse Proxy in the following cases:
– when a user navigates on a ‘Type 1’ rewritten link there is generated automatically a redirect to a ‘Type 2’ rewritten link;
– when a user logs into a Muse Proxy application and navigates on a Muse Proxy source link there is generated automatically a redirect to a ‘Type 2’ rewritten link;
– all the rewritten links inside a rewritten page are rewritten links of ‘Type 2’.