FAQ Tag: backup

How do I perform a backup /restore operation of the XML database?

Follow these steps to backup and recover the database: 1. Login to the server as the user under which Muse runs. 2. Run the ${MUSE_HOME}/xmldb/startConverter tool to backup the database. For example, to dump the database from the server to /tmp/backup directory, you need to run: – cd ${MUSE_HOME}/xmldb – ./startConverter -src xmldb:exist:http://admin:@localhost:HTTP_SERVER_PORT/xmldb/exist/xmlrpc -dst file:/tmp/backup…

In the Muse Source Console, if a Source is deleted with the Configure tab Delete icon, is it possible to restore it from a previous backup/profile or are the backups also deleted?

Deleting a Source through the Console deletes all entry points to that Source from the Console. The backup files are not deleted, however, so the way to access the .bak files for the Source is to add the Source to the Application again. The backups will be available through the Backup/Restore tab once the Source…

How can I backup an Application?

We strongly recommend using a Muse admin console to do an Application backup instead of creating a copy of the Application’s directory. The backup/restore feature is available starting Muse and was especially created for such purposes. It backs up an entire Application under the “${MUSE_HOME}/admin/tmp/backup/” directory by creating a file with the name “${APPLICATION_ID}.${timeStamp}.bak”…