How to increase the inactivity timeout of a Muse Proxy Application?

The default session timeout of a Muse Proxy Application is of 30 minutes.
When the authentication session of the Muse Proxy Application is close to end, a Session Timeout warning pop-up and/or a Session Timeout warning window will appear. Each of them displays a message which notifies the user regarding the remaining time from the current authentication session. The time when the warning pop-up and / or a Session Timeout warning window will appear is configurable using the AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT_ALERT_WINDOW_DURATION field for the Application Web Module from the ${WEB_CONTEXT_HOME}/WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file. By default, this is set to 60 seconds before the Muse Proxy application session will end.

The Muse Proxy Application interface is on top of other core layers, hence increasing the interface timeout value involves increasing the underlying timeouts to avoid the expiration of system sessions before the interface. The underlying timeout values must be bigger than the interface value, or at most equal.
For example, to increase the application inactivity timeout to 60 minutes, the following must be done:

Increase timeout values at the system level

  1. ${MUSE_HOME}/proxy/modules/handlers/RequestHandlerWeb.xml
    Edit this file on disk and change the value of CLIENT_SESSION_TIMEOUT to 3900000 .
    The default value is: <CLIENT_SESSION_TIMEOUT<2100000</CLIENT_SESSION_TIMEOUT>
    (35 minutes)
    (65 minutes)
  2. ${MUSE_HOME}/proxy/webcontexts/NavigationManager/profiles/NavigationSession.xml
    Edit this file on disk and change the value of NAVIGATION_SESSION_TIMEOUT to 3600000 .
    (30 minutes)
    (60 minutes)
  3. ${MUSE_HOME}/proxy/webcontexts/NavigationManager/profiles/filters/MuseProxyAuthenticationToken.xml
    Edit this file on disk and change the value of AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_TIMEOUT to 7200000 .
    (60 minutes)
    (120 minutes)
    The value of AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_TIMEOUT must be significantly higher than the NAVIGATION_SESSION_TIMEOUT.

For the new system timeout values to be considered, the Muse Proxy service must be restarted.

Increase the timeout value at the application level

This file can be edited in the Muse Proxy Administrator Console, Applications -> Manage Applications, hover the desire proxy application and click the WEB.xml button. Locate the AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT field and change its value from the default 1800000 (30 minutes) to 3600000 (60 minutes)

To load the new value immediately, go to the Advanced -> Operations menu and click the Refresh Applications button.