What can users do with CERTivity?

CERTivity has the following main features and advantages:

  • a GUI Representation of the security related items, allowing for visualizing in parallel the following types of models: KeyStores, individual Certificates and Test Certificate Scenarios. The GUI representation is taking advantage of the natural approach of using an IDE style interface;
  • KeyStore management – The application is able to work with a wide range of KeyStores types: (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS #12, BKS, UBER and Windows native ones) and supports many KeyStore operations;
  • support for many Certificates operations – for example: display certificate details, obtain the revocation status from the signing CA through CRL, test a certificate against a SSL connection, view ASN.1 and PEM representation and many more;
  • sign and verify: JAR, PDF, XML and CSR files;
  • export options for Key Pairs, Certificates Chains, Public and Private Keys, retrieve and export certificates from multiple sources into multiple formats.
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