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“Total number of unique sources from all applications” is the total number of SPs from all applications listed in the report. In this case, unique means that if the same SP appears in many applications it is counted only once. Also they are counted no matter if they are part or not of any group (they appear or not in the interface). “Total number of unique sources used in groups from all applications” – This is the total number of SPs from all applications listed in the report. Unique meaning that if the same SP appears in many applications it is counted only once. Furthermore only the SPs that belong to a group (they are visible in the interface) are counted here.

Typically, this means that the version of the installer you are running does not match your license. For instance, if you downloaded a installer, but you have a license (or vice versa), you will receive this error.

Please download the right Muse version.

If this is not the case then check the copied Serial Number for extra characters due to a faulty copy/paste operation. After copying the Serial Number string please first paste it in a plain text document and check it to make sure it does not contain extra characters at the beginning or at the end of the string.

“Total number of unique sources from all applications” is the total number of SPs from all applications listed in the report. In this case, unique means that if the same SP appears in many applications it is counted only once. Also they are counted no matter if they are part or not of any group (they appear or not in the interface).

“Total number of unique sources used in groups from all applications” – This is the total number of SPs from all applications listed in the report. Unique meaning that if the same SP appears in many applications it is counted only once. Furthermore only the SPs that belong to a group (they are visible in the interface) are counted here.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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