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The .cpb file describes the search capabilities of a source. The .pmf is the pre-mapping file that allows administrators to map search/index attributes that apply before the Muse ISR stylesheet is used to format the search for the source (thus “Pre”-mapping). The .cpb file lists all the search indexes and Boolean operators which are supported by the Source (whatever the actual, native syntax of the attribute). It is also a place where other source capabilities could be added later for easy import into the Muse InfoBase. The search limiter sets are one example. The .pmf file provides a mapping from one attribute in ISR to one attribute in translator. The .pmf mapping is TO an attribute which is handled into the ISR translator. All of the attributes handled (supported) in the ISR translator have been automatically extracted and recorded into the appropriate section in .cpb file. By default, the PMF files map unsupported attributes to keyword.

MuseGlobal provides the following method for search and retrieval of EBSCOhost content: EBSCO Integration Toolkit (EIT)

This is a SOAP-based Web Service approach which provides the optimal combination of performance and completeness. You can find the EIT Source Packages by searching in your Muse Console’s “Add Sources” section in the “IDs Containing” field for the term EIT. EIT SPs have Source IDs which start with the string EBSCOEIT.


The HTTP Source Packages for EBSCO search on the URL
http://search.ebscohost.com/. The EIT Source Packages use
http://eit.ebscohost.com/Services/SearchService.asmx as the Home URL and Search URL.

Authentication for the EBSCOEIT Source Packages is two-fold.

1) Authentication for search and retrieval can done by user/pw (with the USER_NAME and USER_PASSWORD fields of the profile) or IP (with the CUSTOM_PARAMETERS field of the profile).

For search/retrieval authentication by IP, a value must be placed in the CUSTOM_PARAMETERS tag from the EBSCOEIT* source profile. Again, this is used to connect to and search a certain database. Using this IP authentication, you may be authenticated to a number of databases.

Example :
where : IP_ADDRESS=your IP which authenticates to EIT.

Please note that your EBSCO account must be specifically enabled in order to use of EIT. The user/pw used for connecting to http://search.ebscohost.com/ will not work for EIT. Also note that the IP_PROFILE will be either eit or eitws; — this string matches the 3rd section of your 3-part EIT authentication string (ex. s123456.main.eit or s123456.main.eitws). Please check with EBSCO if you are not sure which it is.

2) The aforementioned authentication by IP or user/pw gives us access to the EBSCOEIT API, but it does not provide successful link navigation on the record links obtained.

For this, the PROXY_HOST and PROXY_PORT in the profile must be configured. IMPORTANT: authentication to EBSCO for link navigation is only done by IP.

Example :

So, in conclusion, 2 IP authentication settings are needed: one (user/pw or IP) for accessing and searching the EBSCOEIT database desired and the other one (proxy IP) to successfully navigate on the record links obtained.

Questions about your EIT account status should be referred to Gregory Julien [GregoryJulien@ebscohost.com].

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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For searching IEEE content we provide Source Packages based on API, currently two are available for download in Muse Source Factory:

1) IEEEXploreAPIXML. This is a generic Source Package retrieving content without any filtering.

2) IEEEASPPXploreAPIXML. This is a Source Package specifically built to retrieve content from IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package. More exactly it has pre-configured the following filters:

To use any of the above SPs you need an API key from IEEE, to get it follow the steps below:

1) Register for an account on the IEEE Developer website: https://developer.ieee.org/

2) Apply for an API key.

Once you have the API key you must configure it through the Muse Console for Applications Administration (MCAA) in the “Custom Parameters” section, as value for the API_KEY parameter.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

Muse has the possibility to control the behavior of searches in cases when queries having unsupported limiters are launched. By unsupported limiter, we mean that one wants to search a source for records between 2 dates, even if the native site does not support this (i.e., does not have this option).

The control is done by means of the of the “Stop If Limiter Not Supported” parameter. It is a property of the Search Module and can be set by:
– logging into the MCAA Muse Console;
– selecting the desired application;
– selecting “Application Modules” from the left panel;
– clicking on the “Search Module” link.

The “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field appears along with 2 values that can be set:
– “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field on YES – if the limiters are not supported, the search will stop and no records will be retrieved;
– “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field on NO – if the limiters are not supported the search will bring results (searching by default without any limiter) with the warning “Unsupported limiter(s): …”

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

Statistics are logged into special log files by Muse. This statistics data is available into the $ICE_HOME/logs/ICECoreStatistics.log files and are available for the following areas of activity:

– User sessions – for gathering overall usage statistics such as number of sessions logged on, length of sessions, IP addresses of sessions, failed login attempts, etc.
– Muse Instructions – for gathering information about the activities within Muse – searches – including queries, databases searched, parameters used. These may be related to logged-on sessions by session id for analysis per user session.
– Muse Modules – more detailed statistics from individual search source or transaction modules including numbers of hits, time taken for query, download and processing time, etc.
– System information – available and used memory.

There is a dedicated monitoring tool in Muse – Muse Statistics Monitor – which extracts the information from the $ICE_HOME/logs/ICECoreStatistics.log files and present various statistics. Note that the Muse Statistics Monitor is a graphical standalone application. Please refer to the documentation of Muse Statistics Monitor for further information – $MUSE_HOME/monitor/doc/Muse Statistics Monitor.pdf.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

When using Muse applications, one has the choice to set “strict” or “loose” limits for the searches. With “strict” limits, Muse returns “Unsupported Query” errors if a Source Package which does not support the selected limit is included, while with the “loose” configuration unsupported limits are dropped.

To set one behavior or another, one must login into MCAA > select application > expand "Application Modules" > click "Search Module" > "Stop If Limiter Not Supported" option.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

If there is no proxy defined (Proxy Host field) in either the application level or Source Package level, then no proxy will be used, no matter the other proxy related settings (Proxy Port, Proxy PAC also) from either level.

Secondly, if there are proxy settings both at application level and at the Source Package level, then the Source Package ones will have priority over the application level ones.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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