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There are several methods for adding new resources into the Muse Proxy Application for handling the rewriting of vendor platforms, the recommended method is by using the Muse Proxy Administrator Console. The rewriting definitions for a vendor platform are stored in XML files, which we call Muse Proxy Sources. Mainly the steps for adding a new Muse Proxy Source are:
  1. Identify the source profile in the existing repository from the EduLib website by accessing this link: https://www.edulib.com/products/muse-proxy/support/muse-proxy-sources-profiles/ Make use of the search functionality to narrow the results. Any term entered in the search box is searched in the source’s identifier and in the following field values from the source profile: NAME and DESCRIPTION. Once identified, click on the name link and a popup window will open with the details of the source’s profile. Click the Download Profile link to download the XML file.
  2. Access your Muse Proxy Administrator Console, the URL should be of the form: https://proxy.domain.com/admin Login with the administrator user and the password that you configured during the setup.
  3. Navigate to the left menu Aplications item, Manage Applications link. Locate the Muse Proxy Application in use and click on the Sources button to access the list of installed sources.
  4. In the Sources page, click on the Create source from an existing profile icon, next to the Quick Filter search box.
  5. In the new page, upload the XML file downloaded at step #1. Upon succesfull upload, you are requested to specify the Source Identifier value, place here the file name without the .xml extension. Also you can change the default name and description values for the source. When done, click the Create button.
  6. The next step is to add the new source profile into a sources group. For doing this, in the Sources page click the Edit Sources Groups icon, next to the Quick Filter search box. In the new page click on the Sources icon from the Actions column, corresponding to the group in which to add the new source. By default only one group exists.
  7. In the new Sources Groups page, click on the plus (+) icon found next to the new source in the List of available sources column.
  8. Test by accessing a proxified link for the newly added resource. E.g. https://proxy.domain.com/applicationID?url=vendor_URL, where replace the hostname, applicationID and vendor_URL with the appropriate values.
Categories: General, Muse Proxy

The configuration file for setting the SMTP_HOST, SUPPORT_EMAIL (the email address where problems are reported) and other SMTP characteristics such as port, SSL/TLS, username/password, certificates, is $MUSE_HOME/admin/MuseAdmin.xml. A description for each SMTP property can be found in the comments area of the MuseAdmin.xml file and in the “Muse Administrator.pdf” manual.
The email settings from this file are used for sending a Source Problem Report using a Muse Administrator Console, like Muse Console for Applications Administration or Muse Console for Customer Support.


  • The SMTP_HOST must be configured to relay emails for the Muse server;
  • If the SMTP server uses a secure connection (SSL/TLS) you must provide the necessary certificates. If the SMTP certificate is signed by a known Certificate Authority like Verisign for example, which is in the JDK’s keystore, there is no need to provide the certificate anymore;
  • If the SMTP requires authentication then you must provide a working username/password too;
  • In order for the changes in the $MUSE_HOME/admin/MuseAdmin.xml file to take effect, the Muse HTTP or Muse Embedded Apache Tomcat server (depending on which is available in your Muse version) must be restarted.

Updating a Source Package installed in a Muse Application or adding a new one make use of the Global InfoBase service. The access to the Global InfoBase service is done with a username/password combination that were assigned to you by MuseGlobal.

The fact that you get “Source package decode error” messages when updating Muse Source Packages in the Muse Administration Console shows that you did not configure in your Muse installation the username/password for accessing the Global Source Factory service.

There are 2 ways for configuring the access details for the Global Source Factory service in a Muse installation:

  1. At the Muse system level. This means that you configure the username/password for accessing the Global Source Factory service at the system level and all administrative users like mcaa and mccs make use of it. To do this setting edit the ${MUSE_HOME}/factory/SourceFactory.xml file and fill in the GLOBAL_IB_USERand GLOBAL_IB_PASSWORD fields with the username/password that were provided to you by MuseGlobal. You should have there the startersf default restrictive details, just replace them with the ones provided to you. A restart of the Muse Embedded Tomcat server is required for this setting to take effect.
  2. At the administrative user level. This means that you can configure the username/password for accessing the Global InfoBase service individually, for each Muse Administration user (like mcaa, mccs). The advantage of this configuration is that you can specify different access details for the Global InfoBase service for each Muse Administration user. Another advantage is that the restart of the Muse Embedded Tomcat server is no longer required. Specifying the access details for the Global InfoBase service for a Muse Administration user is done through the Muse Console for Applications Administration interface (mcaa user) as follows:
    • login into the Muse Console for Applications Administration interface as the mcaa user.
    • go to the Users tab, locate the desired administration user, select it and click on the "Edit Properties" leftmenu item.
    • in the "Edit MAB User Properties" panel fill in the "Global InfoBase User Name" and "Global InfoBase User Password" fields with the appropriate values.
    • re-login into the Muse Administration Console if the setting was done for the mcaa user or login with the user for which the Global InfoBase details were updated.

Muse has the possibility to control the behavior of searches in cases when queries having unsupported limiters are launched. By unsupported limiter, we mean that one wants to search a source for records between 2 dates, even if the native site does not support this (i.e., does not have this option).

The control is done by means of the of the “Stop If Limiter Not Supported” parameter. It is a property of the Search Module and can be set by:
– logging into the MCAA Muse Console;
– selecting the desired application;
– selecting “Application Modules” from the left panel;
– clicking on the “Search Module” link.

The “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field appears along with 2 values that can be set:
– “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field on YES – if the limiters are not supported, the search will stop and no records will be retrieved;
– “Stop If Limiter Not Supported:” field on NO – if the limiters are not supported the search will bring results (searching by default without any limiter) with the warning “Unsupported limiter(s): …”

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

A Source Package can be added only once in each source group defined in an application. The Source Package name cannot be different – it will have the same name in all the groups it belongs to.

Categories: Muse Search, Sources

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